Checking in on an old draw, from the depths the old Bear Market


Look at how we hit the 3.618 Fib Extension!

I'm not an OG Bitcoiner, but became aware of it early maybe in 2012

started doing my research on BTC in 2016 after noticing it was still alive and kicking
and the chart started to look real interesting to me in the mid $400's
and started invested and learning in 2017

we've come a long way since

many inroads & milestone have been made in that time

Now is the s curve adoption phase everything is in place for some unimaginable prices!

(not saying we wont expereince luls, dips, & "crashes" but from what heights!)

ADABCHBTCcryptocryptototalmarketcapdashETHFundamental AnalysisGrowthLTCTrend Analysisxrp
