
Don't bet against Elon!

By janfoux
A little update/correction, just so You understand what I thought and what I said last year. Bottom line: Elon Musk MUST be right about this. As he is smarter then You, and after all, Tesla is His project, not Yours. First of all, He stated _last year_ that we can expect a 50% growth / year. Represented here by the thick magenta line. (Side note: That was before the virus thing.) Secondly he even tweeted that "price is too high" recently, hence he knows math a little better than the FOMO retail investors (the majority) who jumped in around $750 :D and still wondering what happened and why aren't we at $2000 by now? So just HODL! :D Oh dear! If someone, I'm an Elon fan/follower. Any other real Tesla fans here? I don't see many, as if there were, they would listen to HIM. Try to calculate this difficult math problem :D for me please: $350 + 50% each year from 2019 - 2024. (My previous idea was from $420 -I'm biased). But naaaa, You guys always know better, and hope for more and more and get rich quick... until one day you'll get disappointed and drop out and/or loose. Why is that? Just notice the blue dotted line. That is also a possibility. A good investment from $750 to $751 in about one year, right? That was Your plan? :D Please! At the end of the day (I mean the year), Elon is gonna be right and not You. Either way, if there is high volatility or if there isn't. The former case is the green and red arrows, later case is the blue dotted arrow. OK, just listen to Dave Lee then, (smart, high IQ investor, big Tesla bull I know). He predicts TSLA around $2000 in 2024 (BTW, I predicted $2600-$3000 for 2024, but don't listen to me, I'm a biased delusional fanboy). You know, that is a year 2024, anyone able to count to 4 (years ahead) or just blindly repeats some phrases heard on TV/youtube without context and any real time frames understood? Long story short? Tesla is a great car, a great company, and no, You are NOT gonna get rich fast! Mark my words.
crashGrowthpriceRisk ManagementTrading PlanTrading Psychology
