UK 100 Index

The fathers of communism: Full time investors and speculators

By MrRenev
Karl Marx the short term speculator, Friedrich Engels the investor, and probably an advisor/mentor for Karl Marx. Engels also seemed to speculate on commodities (he mentions Corn, Cotton... they were the oil of back then, there isn't such a big need for risk takers these days with how big the productions have gotten).

Marx & Engels were right about the core of their idea, with modern production, there was no need for anyone to go hungry, we can now feed everyone.
Today, finally, sadly long after they passed so they could not witness it, no one goes hungry outside of a few third world countries that are all communist or socialist.
We made it. And the rentier parasites of the 19th century have mostly disappeared.
But people still have to work. And people are still unhappy and there are still marxists around for some reason.

Looks like they did fundamentals & technicals, looked at supply & demand, euphoria, politics, news, the usual stuff.
Nothing ever changes does it?

What's it with rich people and communism? (Engels retired early as a millionaire and sent Karl Marx the equivalent of around 15k usd monthly + the money he got from books)

1852 letters are listed here, but most are not online:

"The file you have tried to access originated from the Marx Engels Collected Works. Lawrence & Wishart, who hold the copyright for the Marx Engels Collected Works, have directed Marxists Internet Archive to delete all texts originating from MECW. Accordingly, from 30th April 2014, no material from MECW is available from English translations of Marx and Engels from other sources will continue to be available."

However I found the Engels letter I quoted here in the archives:

If it can't be found in the future it is the Manchester, 24 August 1852 letter

Source: MECW Volume 39, p. 164;
First published: in full in MEGA, Berlin 1929.

I quote an article:
"During retirement, at 49 years old, Engel’s portfolio produced an income sufficient to cover his living costs, as well as provide Marx with an annual subsidy of £380. This effectively gave both men membership in the rentier class, which many communists despise."

Doesn't look like these 2 enjoyed working.

"Dr McKibben, of St Antony's College, Oxford, suspected Marx was not the wheeler-dealer he claimed to be: 'He probably just put the money where Engels told him.'"

The Chinese have developped a taste for speculation, and like with religion, you can always find bits to justify anything you want.
Peking Youth News years ago, several times I think, in 1992 and more recently, have mentionned the duo market adventures and said it was ok.
Correct me if wrong.

I wonder, if the prophet was not a trader, would the middle east have a huge problem with the markets?
Maybe not, they are the ones that invented derivatives very long ago, and their geography has always produced a very high demand for traders.

Beyond Technical AnalysisengelsFundamental Analysismarxmarxismtechnicals
