USD.CHF - Additional Development Required

Currency Pair: USD.CHF
Time Frame: Weekly, Daily, 4hr & 1hr
Predicted Direction: Short

USD.CHF updates will be available in the comments section below.

The brief trade analysis presented above is my predicted direction and requires multiple different indicators and confluence factors prior to validating a trade opportunity.
I'll be watching price as it tests .9870 for a potential reversal opportunity.
As i have outlined on the chart i would require a double top bearish RSI divergence at a minimum prior to providing a short opportunity.
Nice weekly high-test reversal candle forming at the 1.000 even psychological level.
I will be delving deep into the intraday charts ready for the week ahead.
Chart PatternshallandcotradingTechnical IndicatorstomhalltomhallforexTrend AnalysisUSDCHF
