we are at a critical level in UVXY where oscillators like rsi are making a same low while the price has decreased somewhat.
watching the expanding 1 minute range for a break
Trade closed manually
short closed its not budging
Trade active
im long uvxy
targeting 16.78
adding long, target changed to 16.87
stop loss 16.22
Trade closed: target reached
so sorry that i wasnt updating this idea. i realize that is a terrible way to create ideas here. i was unfortunately cut off from the internet today, and my target thankfully hit while i was down. i was in the process of averaging down again and lowering stop loss when the outage occured.
broadermarketChart Patternsetfsetfsx3forecastindextradingTechnical IndicatorsTrend AnalysisUVXYVIX CBOE Volatility Index
