Long UVXY 48C Oct 1 3.05 debit

Possible VIX Compression cycle breakout
Trade active
Long 5x my position Oct 1 48C @ 1.98 debit
Trade active
BlackRock has sold 90% of their SPY position.

Barclays - 27%
Morgan Stanley - 37%,
JP Morgan - 4.55%,
Goldman - 4.85%.
Bridgewater - 37%.

What does everyone know except retail?
Trade active
Added to position 1.60 debit
Added 1.20 debit
Trade active
Long Sep 17 23C @ 2.75 debit
Trade active
Added Sep 17 23C 2.08 debit
Trade active
Long Oct 15 23C 3.45 debit
Trade active
Sold the Sept 17 23 C @ 0.90 credit (-67% loss), there was too much hope in this trade for deleveraging before OpEx and was entered too early
Trade closed manually
Closed the Oct calls for 3.65 credit (small gain), wanting to enter november closer to OpEx
Beyond Technical AnalysisoptionsUVXYVIX CBOE Volatility Index

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