X - (Short Premium) Selling naked puts for premium $$$

Selling premium into large selloff using naked puts. Sold the 30 strike put for .96, 33 delta, 50 DTE. This stock is 30% off from its high and pretty beat up. Hoping for a price pop from major support.
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Sold naked puts @ 30 for .96 credit, 33 delta, 50 DTE
Trade active
Price is nearing my 30 put strike so I sold some 34 strike, 20 delta calls which cut my long delta's in half and helped neutralize my position a little bit. Call skew was really high, where the calls are selling for almost 50% more than the puts.
Rolled my 34 strike calls down to 31. Cut my long deltas in half and still have not gone inverted yet, so I have some more defensive ammo if I need to roll down again.
comoditiespremiumsellingpriceactionshortpremiumshortputsteelSupport and ResistancetastytradeTrend AnalysisTrend Lines

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