I took a random coin, the Monero/XMRBTC on the Daily time frame.
Connected the lows and highs with Gann Angles and Fib Circles/Arcs.
The Fib Circles connect perfectly to create a confluence at the last High.
The Fib´s used are 0.618-1-1.618-2-2.272.
Circular Geometry is the Natural Order, the underlying architecture or structure ruling everything within manifested reality.
Every time you experience beauty or perfection and the mind goes silent, is in a state of con-fusion or awe you recognize subconsciously this underlying Circular Geometry or Natural order which is the direct experience of the Self, dissolving separation.
All are subject to this as:
The Observer, that which is observed and the action of observing are One and the same.
There is no second edition of Consciousness.
The sense of separation or Duality is an illusion, all is One, only Oneness still implies
multiples as there is no One to experience this Oneness as for experience you need at least
two, the one that experiences, and the experience.
Remember why you are here,
Focus only on that,
When everything disappears,
Your true nature will reveal itself,
All of this will be forgotten.
Om Sri Satoshi Ji Namah
OM Sri Satoshi Mahadev! Jai!