4 Hr. Practice Trading (Using MACD) W/+50/200 EMA (PART 1)

Curious to see if a new configuration will lead to better lower timeframe (4hr) results. No targets for now, however moving up stop loss once break out begins. More or less just recording data and seeing if I can catch MACD breakouts.

Im used to working with daily and weekly FYI


So I decided upon breakout to sell early for a 2.5% gain. The idea of this series I am recording, is to see if I can accurately predict a break out of any % over 2.5% or More before stop loss trigger. Which this time it did for 2.5%.

We will call this a success next trade will be posted shortly...

1 - 2.5% Stop loss triggered.
Trade closed: stop reached
Officially closed.
50-200Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)Chart PatternsExponential Moving Average (EMA)Technical IndicatorsLONGprofitTrend AnalysiszrxZRXBTC
