End of day action on EURUSD and US30In this video I look at an interesting compression on the 15 min EURUSD and quickly review a critical price position on the US30.
This follows up from my other videos.
A strong EURO is not great for the Ger30, so if it strengthens around now, there could be more bearish pressure on the DAX.
The DAX tends to rule the worlds markets and has not suffered as serious corrections as the US30, as yet.
I'm not saying I'm right about any of these positions and how I assess them. The important things I think is to share thoughts and learn from others. I'm always happy to learn a different way, see a different perspective, and to stand corrected if I've made glaring errors.
Best wishes
How it's all connected upIn this video I explore how the US Dollar strength affects stock markets and the EURUSD.
When I was very new to trading I had not known about all this - and late in the game I wished that somebody would have told me sooner.
Shorter term bounces of the US dollar can cause traders to exit positions too soon.
Around this time day traders could find that spikes in the US dollar causes them to be bounced out of trades that are long or short on other instruments.
Volatility is what we need in trading, but there is a kind of love-hate relationship with it.
EUR & YEN Futures - Use of Commitment of Traders data Commodity & Futures Trading Commission gather data from various Exchanges and compile which are then released and are available on their
Websites - www.cftc.gov
Commitment of Traders Data = COT (abberiviation)
These data are released on Friday of Each Week after Market Closes. They are based on Positions as close of Tuesday of that week. These are compiled to show 3 main groups which are:
Commercials = Banks, Broker/Dealers (Hedging the Risk), Producers, Wholesalers, Or Commodity Users – Either looking to Hedge Risk or Receive or Send Delivery
Speculators – which are:
Non-Commercials = Money Managers, Hedge/Leveraged Fund Mangers, who are Speculators and are not looking to for delivery or receiving one on settlement day
Non-Reportable = Still large traders, but a whose positions falls below the threshed to be classes as Non-Commercial
Non-Commercials have Research Departments manned by Fundamental and Technical Analysts. These are then use by their trader. Therefore their positions reflect both the Fundamental and Technical analysis and can be viewed as Hybrid.
Their sudden change from week to week of significant amount or percentage and their overall net long or short compared with historical behaviour can be used as what might be deemed as relative extreme together with Open Interest and Technical Analysis can provide interesting and useful insight in the strength of the trend or possible reversal.
See the linked EURUSD chart and a video publication of Oil for further details on how I have used them. Below is a link of examples of the weekly data released for Futures for respective Instrument: drive.google.com
I hope it will helps you in your own application of this to your Technical Analysis.
Thank you for viewing my video and welcome comments or questions.