wave 3 extension 2.618 (from normally 1.618)The Most Typical Fibonacci Ratios/Multiples within Impulses:
If wave 1 is extended, expect the net of wave 2-5 to be .618 x wave 1
Wave 2 = 618 or .5 x wave 1
If wave 3 is extended, waves 1 and 5 tend toward equality. A .618 relationship is next most likely.
Wave 3 = 1.618 or 2.618 x wave 1
Wave 4 = .382 x wave 3
Wave 4 (net) typically relates to its corresponding wave 2 (net) by a Fibonacci ratio.
Wave 5 = wave 1, or .618, or .382 x the net of waves 1 thru 3.
If neither wave 1 or 3 is extended, expect wave 5 to be 1.618 x the net of 1-3.
The time to complete waves 1 thru 3 = the time to complete the end of 3 to the end of 5.