#EthereumClassic #ETC- From The Guy Who Called #BTC Under 2.68#EthereumClassic #ETC- From The Guy Who Called #BTC Under 2.68
This article will mostly focus on key characteristics and fundamentals that I used to make up my LONG investment thesis for #EthereumClassic #ETC
I used the title " #EthereumClassic #ETC- From The Guy Who Called #BTC Under 2.68 " as a reference to my previous article which focused around #Litecoin before it made a 8x move and a New All Time High. I feel #ETC has the same potential for a similar type move if not more.
I think #EthereumClassic has been one of the most overlooked and undervalued in the top 20 coins by market cap and thus is extremely undervalued. Using predictive logic I am calling for the #Classicening
*Make Note*
(#ETC is trading around 5.40 USD AND #ETH is trading around 154 USD as I write this.)
I won’t go into an extensive historical overview of the history of #ETC #EthereumClassic vs the fork #ETH #Ethereum . Just remember #ETC is the original chain and #ETH is the fork.
I will note some of the key differences and upcoming developments that lend to my Bullish thesis for #EthereumClassic and to support the potential event that I call the #Classicening . (Remember I was the first to call the #Flappening for #LTC)
The #Classicening which will occur when the price of #EthereumClassic (#ETC) surpasses the price of the fork #Ethereum (#ETH)
#EthereumClassic (#ETC) is Decentralized, Immutable, Censorship Resistant and has a fixed monetary supply of 210 Mil
#Ethereum (#ETH) is centralized with a proven history of mutability and HAS NO FIXED monetary supply
Q: You might ask why does #Ethereum the fork have a higher market cap currently then #EthereumClassis?
A: The simple answer is hype
A new and uneducated investor class bought the sizzle not the steak. #Ethereum’s price was mainly fueled by the 2017 #ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) craze. Where people mostly had to buy #ETH to participate in these #ICO’s aka. #shitcoins
On the other hand, #ETC didn’t have the hype or the marketing associated with #ICO’s so largely went unnoticed.
Assumption : The new investor class will mature and become more knowledgeable choosing not to invest based on hype but on a coins utility and merit.
Justification 1. For the Classicening
EthereumClassic (ETC) is extremely undervalued because it didn’t participate in the mania of the #ICO craze and thus has been overlooked. As price discovery happens, demand will increase while supply is capped and thus price shall rise.
Meanwhile #Ethereum (ETH) whose price was once fueled by the #ICO craze, now experiences constant oversupply as #ICO projects fight for survival continue to have to sell to keep the lights on or exit scam. No fixed supply and constant selling pressure
Justification 2. For the Classicening
EthereumClassic (ETC) will remain Proof of Work (POW).
Time tested history
#ETC will be the only Decentralized (POW) non-fragmentedTuring complete Blockchain. with a fixed supply.
#ETC will benefit from the addition of hash and mind-space as miners and developers are leaving #ETH and joining #ETC
Ethereum (ETH) will move to Proof of Stake (POS)
No proven history as stated by Vitalik
“There is risk in the transition from PoW to PoS, and PoS has a shorter history to evaluate”
This is not to mention the inherent problems for investors dealing with possible tax ramifications with staking which could further weaken investor demand.
Justification 3. For the Classicening
EthereumClassic (ETC) will have a platform for developers with emphasis on high value and security. This will translate to more DEV’s choosing #ETC to build security focused #Dapps
Ethereum (ETH) will attempt to scale (Something it keeps promising but yet to accomplish) and provide performance on a untested POS chain with more unknown vulnerabilities
Justification 4
EthereumClassic (ETC) is in a very unique position to be successful with a strategy of interoperability vs most coins approach to be the one and only coin (Maxilism)
Instead it will benefit from the utility it can provide across multiple chains including ETH and be a integral part of the larger eco-system
Ethereum (ETH) with sights to be the dominant chain and development history of building on house of cards it increases #ETH chance of a systematic risk. Its development is centrally guided around Vitalik’s vision, this represent another single point of failure.
If the assumptions of the #Classicening prove to not come to pass.
It won’t change the fact that #ETC is still grossly undervalued and thus has outstanding potential to out preform the market.
#EthereumClassic should provide a great investment vehicle both in the short term and longer for investors who see the value in decentralized layer 1 chains and a secure platform for #Dapps .
With many upcoming developments like the upcoming #Atlantis upgrade and chart showing an upside breakout:
There couldn’t be a better time to do your DYOR on #ETC.
It’s relatively scarce and thinly traded so it will take a lot less $ volume to bring it into a New All Time High which will be over 43 USD on most exchanges
8x from its current levels
PS. I wanted to get this write up as quickly as I could, just know my preemptive apology for all the grammar mistakes.
Chart is looking to break it’s MA’s and this is just finishing its retrace from 9+ just a few weeks ago so time is of the essence to DYOR.
=:] My thoughts do your own DD . My opinion might have a rooting bias not an opinion to buy or sell anything
How is that for disclosure =:]