This magical strategy works like a clock on almost any charts
Although I have to say it can’t predict pullbacks, so I do not suggest this strategy for leverage trading.
It will not give you the whole wave like any other strategy out there but it will give you huge part of the wave.
The best timeframe for this strategy is Daily, Weekly and Monthly however it can work any timeframe above three minutes.
Start believing in this strategy because it will reward believers with huge profit.
There is a lot more about this strategy.
It can predict and also it can give you almost exact buy or sell time on the spot.
I am developing it even more so stay tuned and start to follow me for more signals and forecasts.
King River Copper - ready to go up as Cu/V2O5 ready to go upKing River Copper: KRC HG1!
Copper is showing key crossing of 20/50/100 day MAv and this Australian miner also produces Vanadium Pentoxide used for High Strength Steel, Aerospace engines, and rebar for concrete reinforcement. Currently below 786 Fibonacci Retracement and low bid entry 0.05 area.