CSX Bottoming FormationCSX is in a bottoming formation with higher lows but consistent highs within the bottoming action. The candlesticks are now in a common compression mode with moderate volume supporting upside action. by MarthaStokesCMT-TechniTrader5
AMD Forms Slip-Slide DowntrendOnce again, AMD has failed to break to a new higher high. Heavy Dark Pool Quiet Rotation™ is thwarting upside action at this time. by MarthaStokesCMT-TechniTrader3
MSFT Buybacks Shore Up PriceMSFT has been moving up often due to buybacks of its shares of stock moving price up. The stock gapped recently and then retraced. Additional buybacks support the current level of price. However, indicators are not all confirming more upside action. by MarthaStokesCMT-TechniTrader0