Xypher Long/Short Finder (PSAR)

By CharlieGuadamuz
Looks for longs and shorts on downtrends and uptrends, using EMAs to define the trend and PSAR to look for entries.

You can deactivate up/down trend longs/shorts on the settings according to your needs. My favorite setup is to find bottoms/tops with it:
Use uptrend shorts if you are looking to short at the top.
Use downtrend longs if you are looking to go long on the bottom reversal.

Basic setup: ride the waves by looking for longs on uptrends and shorts on downtrends.

Scalping setup: find an asset uptrending on a big timeframe (daily, weekly), and look for longs on both up/downtrends on smaller timeframes.

Ichimoku cloud was added to help further with the search of supports and resistance, along with 50,100 and 200 EMA.

Candles are colored according to the trend, to view it, hover the mouse over the indicator or bring it to the front (Right Click -> Visual Order -> Bring to Front). Description is on the chart
cryptoCryptocurrencylongsMoving AveragespsarshortTrend Analysisxypher

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