// Hello fellow traduers, hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Anywho, I'll attempt to be short and sweet.
// I've been doing a LOT of work recently with RSI to figure out what its all about and to learn the ins and outs.
// Some great ideas (I think at least) have come to fruition from the deep-dive into RSI, thus, I've got 2 of these ideas
// to share. One notable feature for the RSI is when there is a BULLISH trend, it is VERY likely to stay within the upper
// 2/3rds of the RSI extremes (0-100) and vise-versa for BEARISH trends and the lower 2/3rds of the RSI extremes.
// That is where this script's idea was derived. Now PLEASE, do tell, if you disagree with me (preferably via a cool,
// calm, and collected comment...but hey, that's up to you). Ok, now the script.
// What this does is gives you a Bullish and Bearish count for the bars. Bullish Cnt counts up by +1 per every PRINTED bar
// that is above OverSold and vise-versa for the Bearish Cnt and being below OverBought. That does VERY MUCH make it
// possible for both counts to have a high value if RSI is staying between OverBought and OverSold for extended periods
// of time. Though, the ONLY count that will be shown is the one with the highest value.
// There are tooltips describing each of the settings but I will quickly talk about 3 more things. First of all, I prefer
// to have as few settings in the settings menu as possible thus the "Boundaries to OB/OS" setting can be viewed as the
// OverSold input and the OverBought setting is configured from this by subtracting "Boundaries to OB/OS" from 100
// (ie. 100-Oversold = OverBought). There Lastly, there is the option to show ONLY the coin with the MAX Count from each
// 'set' of coins. When that count resets to 0 then the next highest count coin will take its place. To use this instead
// of how the script is currently constructed you only need to comment out (add '//' at the beginning of each line of) the current
// plot functions and uncomment the lines at the very bottom under the 'MAX' section. Doing so also reveals the possibility of
// setting an alert for when the coin with the max count changes between different coins. This is very helpful because since it
// only gives the top count of ALL the coins in the selected set, this count is most likely going to continue forward with its
// count for a while thus when the alert goes off I prefer to look at the potential trades in the opposite direction of which
// the max coin was just in (ie. if its count plot/label is red and it stops then look for a potential long trade on the coin
// who's count just reset. Only ONE more piece of the script I have yet to talk about. There is a filter in the code and you
// can select to use or not use within the settings. What this filter does is it counts all the printed bars within the last
// ___bars(user selectable). This is due to the fact that if there is no trade that occurs on a bar then TradingView does not
// print the bar. The coins that have fewer updates also tend to stay within a tighter range for it's RSI thus many times
// giving the illusion that the coin is a good trade bc its trending count is very high (tending to be higher than the others)
// thus hogging the precious chart space if using the script in its current form, or hogging up the MAX slot so that no other
// (and most likely BETTER-TO-TRADE) coins will be shown. It is a great volatility indicator (that of which I have published
// a script using the idea in the recent past). If selected in the settings menu and if the % of printed bars count goes below
// the user set minimum % then both Bullish and Bearish counts will be reset. This is indicated within the counts plots by looking
// at the plots whose counts reset and rather than the plots just stopping printing in mid-air, they will continue to plot while the
// counts reset and fall down to 0. These types of coins will keep you in a trade longer that you'd probably want gaining less than
// you'd probably expect.
// Peace Folks & Happy Trading,
// ChasinAlts