
By everget
A multitool to find seasonal effects and components in your time series. Seasonality is one of most frequently used statistical patterns to improve the accuracy of demand forecasts.

To learn more about seasonality see:

  • Ability to see up to 16 period lines
  • 33 metric types
  • Metrics customization
  • 17 types of the price sources
  • 31 types of the moving averages
  • Readable and optimized code

How to get access
  • Buy for 899$ (One-time payment, Source Code Transfer, Sole ownership)
  • Buy for 349$ (One-time payment, Full-time access, Multi ownership)
  • Make the symbolic monthly donations to support my open source work (Donate-per-use, Part-time access, Multi ownership)

Free 7-day trial access

Supported Metrics
  • Price
  • Average Price
  • Price Momentum
  • Price ROC
  • True Range (by J. Welles Wilder)
  • Average True Range (by J. Welles Wilder)
  • Double True Range (by Cynthia Kase)
  • Average Double True Range
  • Accumulation/Distribution (by Marc Chaikin)
  • Volume
  • Average Volume
  • Volume Momentum
  • Volume ROC
  • Net Volume
  • On Balance Volume (by Joe Granville)
  • Trade Value
  • Tick Volume
  • Tick Range
  • Max Tick Movement
  • Min Tick Movement
  • Correlation
  • ADX (by J. Welles Wilder)
  • Coppock Curve (by Edwin S. Coppock)
  • Elder Force Index (by Dr. Alexander Elder)
  • Ease Of Movement (by Richard W. Arms)
  • Mass Index (by Donald Dorsey)
  • Price Volume Trend
  • TRIX (by Jack K. Hutson)
  • Ulcer Index (by Peter Martin and Byron McCann)
  • VHF, Vertical Horizontal Filter (by Adam White)
  • Swing Index (by J. Welles Wilder)
  • Accumulative Swing Index (by J. Welles Wilder)
  • Standard Deviation

Supported Price Sources
  • open
  • high
  • low
  • close
  • oo2 ((open + previous open) / 2)
  • oh2 ((open + high) / 2)
  • ol2 ((open + low) / 2)
  • oc2 ((open + close) / 2)
  • hh2 ((high + previous high) / 2)
  • hl2
  • hc2 ((high + close) / 2)
  • ll2 ((low + previous low) / 2)
  • lc2 ((low + close) / 2)
  • cc2 ((close + previous close) / 2)
  • hlc3
  • ohlc4
  • wc (weighted close, (2 * close + high + low) / 4)

Supported Moving Averages
  • AHMA, Ahrens MA (by Richard D. Ahrens)
  • ALF, Adaptive Laguerre Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • DEMA, Double Exponential MA (by Patrick G. Mulloy)
  • EMA, Exponential MA
  • EVWMA, Elastic Volume Weighted MA (by Christian P. Fries)
  • FRAMA, Fractal Adaptive MA (by John F. Ehlers)
  • HMA, Hull MA (by Alan Hull)
  • IIRF, Infinite Impulse Response Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • LSMA, Least Squares MA
  • LWMA, Linear Weighted MA
  • Median
  • RMA, Running MA (by J. Welles Wilder)
  • RMF, Recursive Median Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • RMTA, Recursive Moving Trend Average (by Dennis Meyers)
  • SMA, Simple MA
  • SHMMA, Sharp Modified MA (by Joe Sharp)
  • SMMA, Smoothed MA
  • TEMA, Triple Exponential MA (by Patrick G. Mulloy)
  • TMA, Triangular MA (Modified by John F. Ehlers)
  • VIDYA, Variable Index Dynamic Average (by Tushar S. Chande)
  • VWMA, Volume Weighted MA
  • WMA, Weighted MA
  • ZLEMA, Zero Lag Exponential MA (by John F. Ehlers and Ric Way)
  • 2-Pole BF, 2-Pole Butterworth Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • 3-Pole BF, 2-Pole Butterworth Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • 2-Pole SSF, 2-Pole Super Smoother Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • 3-Pole SSF, 2-Pole Super Smoother Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • 1-Pole GF, 1-Pole Gaussian Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • 2-Pole GF, 2-Pole Gaussian Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • 3-Pole GF, 3-Pole Gaussian Filter (by John F. Ehlers)
  • 4-Pole GF, 4-Pole Gaussian Filter (by John F. Ehlers)

Release Notes
  • Cleaned the source code
analysiscomparisoncorrelationOscillatorsperiodsseasonTrend AnalysisVolume
Freelance -> Telegram: @alex_everget

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Access to this script is restricted to users authorized by the author and usually requires payment. You can add it to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author. Contact everget for more information, or follow the author's instructions below.

Please note that this is a private, invite-only script that was not analyzed by script moderators. Its compliance to House Rules is undetermined. TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

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