Fisher 0.1 sliding take-profit

By Octocat
This robot-semi-automatic - sliding take-profit, similar to fisher spinning :), is designed to trailing and capture assets on any stock/crypto exchanges.
Running with one alert.

So What do you need?
1. Enter the market, in the right place.
2. Select the date and time in the robot's settings.
3. Select the Fisher height, the default is 1.5%
4. Choose the width of the trailing window, the default is 0.5%
5. Setup the alert.
6. Leave the market on alert notification.

p.s if you use the Autoview plug-in, you can set it to fully automatically quit the market when an alert occurs.

To access the indicator, write in PM, trial version for 3 days.

Full access $ 24.95 in any crypto currency available on binance.

If you have any additional questions, please write to PM.

telegram: @Octocats
discord: Kos-mos


Это робот-полуавтомат - скользящий тейк-профит, похож на спиннинг рыбака, предназначен для отлова активов на любых биржах. Работающий на одном оповещении.
1. Входим в рынок, в нужном вам месте.
2. Выбираем дату и время в настройках робота.
3. Выбираем высоту срабатывания спининга, по умолчанию 1.5%
4. Выбираем ширину окна треллинга, по умолчанию 0.5%
5. Ставим оповещение.
6. Выходим по оповещению.

p.s если вы используете плагин Autoview, можно настроить на полностью автоматический выход из рынка при срабатывании оповещения.

Для доступа к индикатору напишите в PM, триал версия на 3 дня.

Полный доступ - $24.95 в любой криптовалюте доступной на binance.

Если у вас есть дополнительные вопросы, напишите в пм.
телеграм: @Octocats
discord: Kos-mos
BNBUSDTBTCUSDCentered OscillatorsEOSUSDETHUSDVolatilityxbt

Invite-only script

Access to this script is restricted to users authorized by the author and usually requires payment. You can add it to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author. Contact Octocat for more information, or follow the author's instructions below.

Please note that this is a private, invite-only script that was not analyzed by script moderators. Its compliance to House Rules is undetermined. TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

Author's instructions

Want to use this script on a chart?

Warning: please read before requesting access.
