Bollinger Bands Width (BBW)
Colored Directional Movement and Bollinger Band's Cloud by DGTThis study combines Bollinger Bands, one of the most popular technical analysis indicators on the market, and Directional Movement (DMI), which is another quite valuable technical analysis indicator.
Bollinger Bands used in conjunction with Directional Movement (DMI) may help getting a better understanding of the ever changing landscape of the market and perform more advanced technical analysis
Here are details of the concept applied
1- Plots Bollinger Band’s (BB) Cloud colored based on Bollinger Band Width (BBW) Indicator’s value
Bollinger Bands (created by John Bollinger ) are a way to measure volatility . As volatility increases, the wider the bands become and similarly as volatility decreases, the gap between bands narrows
Bollinger Bands, in widely used approach, consist of a band of three lines. Likewise common usage In this study a band of five lines is implemented
The line in the middle is a Simple Moving Average (SMA) set to a period of 20 bars (the most popular usage). The SMA then serves as a base for the Upper and Lower Bands. The Upper and Lower Bands are used as a way to measure volatility by observing the relationship between the Bands and price. the Upper and Lower Bands in this study are set to two and three standard deviations (widely used form is only two standard deviations) away from the SMA (The Middle Line), hence there are two Upper Bands and two Lower Bands. The background between two Upper Bands is filled with a green color and the background between two Lower Bands is filled with a red color. In this we have obtained Bollinger Band’s (BB) Clouds (Upper Cloud and Lower Cloud)
Additionally the intensity of the color of the background is calculated with Bollinger Bands Width ( BBW ), which is a technical analysis indicator derived from the standard Bollinger Bands indicator. Bollinger Bands Width, quantitatively measures the width between the Upper and Lower Bands. In this study the intensity of the color of the background is increased if BBW value is greater than %25
What to look for
Price Actions : Prices are almost always within the bands especially at this study the bands of three standard deviations away from the SMA. Price touching or breaking the BB Clouds could be considered as buying or selling opportunity. However this is not always the case, there are exceptions such as Walking the Bands. “Walking the Bands” can occur in either a strong uptrend or a strong downtrend. During a strong trend, there may be repeated instances of price touching or breaking through the BB Clouds. Each time that this occurs, it is not a signal, it is a result of the overall strength of the move. In this study in order to get a better understanding of the trend and add ability to perform some advanced technical analysis Directional Movement Indicator (DMI) is added to be used in conjunction with Bollinger Bands.
Cycling Between Expansion and Contraction : One of the most well-known theories in regards to Bollinger Bands is that volatility typically fluctuates between periods of expansion (Bands Widening : surge in volatility and price breaks through the BB Cloud) and contraction (Bands Narrowing : low volatility and price is moving relatively sideways). Using Bollinger Bands in conjunction with Bollinger Bands Width may help identifying beginning of a new directional trend which can result in some nice buying or selling signals. Of course the trader should always use caution
2- Plots Colored Directional Movement Line
Directional Movement (DMI) (created by J. Welles Wilder ) is actually a collection of three separate indicators combined into one. Directional Movement consists of the Average Directional Index (ADX) , Plus Directional Indicator (+D I) and Minus Directional Indicator (-D I) . ADX's purposes is to define whether or not there is a trend present. It does not take direction into account at all. The other two indicators (+DI and -DI) are used to compliment the ADX. They serve the purpose of determining trend direction. By combining all three, a technical analyst has a way of determining and measuring a trend's strength as well as its direction.
This study combines all three lines in a single colored shapes series plotted on the top of the price chart indicating the trend strength with different colors and its direction with triangle up and down shapes.
What to look for
Trend Strength : Analyzing trend strength is the most basic use for the DMI. Wilder believed that a DMI reading above 25 indicated a strong trend, while a reading below 20 indicated a weak or non-existent trend
Crosses : DI Crossovers are the significant trading signal generated by the DMI
With this study
A Strong Trend is assumed when ADX >= 25
Bullish Trend is defined as (+D I > -DI ) and (ADX >= 25), which is plotted as green triangle up shape on top of the price chart
Bearish Trend is defined as (+D I < -DI ) and (ADX >= 25), which is plotted as red triangle down shape on top of the price chart
Week Trend is assumed when 17< ADX < 25, which is plotted as black triangles up or down shape, depending on +DI-DI values, on top of the price chart
Non-Existent Trend is assumed when ADX < 17, which is plotted as yellow triangles up or down shape, depending on +DI-DI values, on top of the price chart
Additionally intensity of the colors used in all cases above are defined by comparing ADX’s current value with its previous value
Summary of the Study:
Even more simplified and visually enhanced DMI drawing comparing to its classical usage (may require a bit practice to get used to it)
As said previously, to get a better understanding of the trend and add ability to perform some advanced technical analysis Directional Movement Indicator (DMI) is used in conjunction with Bollinger Bands.
PS: Analysis and tests are performed with high volatile Cryptocurrency Market
Source of References : definitions provided herein are gathered from TradingView’s knowledgebase/library
Disclaimer: The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd tradingview user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Bollinger Bands %B with HighlightsThis script highlights the indicator background when the Bollinger Bands are breached making it easier to spot them.
Good for strategies that rely on Bollinger Band breaches
Note: Clean version
Bollinger BandWidth With High/Low ReferencesThis indicator ads option to compare BandWidth accross time. John Bollinger says he uses 125 period.
Colour Coded Bollinger BandsBollinger Bands coloured to more clearly show periods of contraction and expansion. Green filled bands indicate expansion/increasing bandwidth, and red fill indicates contraction/decreasing bandwidth.
IO_BB_WidthJohn Bollinger's academic version of Bollinger Bands width
Added some customizations around background colors.
If background color is colored, then the market is trending.
Bollinger Bands SqueezeEnglish:
Simple histogram, showing Squeeze of Bollinger Bands.
Usage is simple - when price is in Squeeze, no entries in any direction. For using with Bollinger Bands indicator, including binary options.
Простой индикатор, наглядной отображающий стадию Сжатия лент Боллинджера.
Простой в использовании - когда цена в Сжатии - не входим в сделку. Особенно эффективен при связке с индикатором лент Боллинджера и входе в сделку при раскрытии лент. Также применим для бинарных опционов
Chauvenet RadiusThe Chauvenet criterion is a well-known criterion of selection and rejection of the data used by the Physics. It establishes that in an experiment is well to discard the data whose distance from the average is greater than a certain number of the delta.
In the stock market if prices move away from the average with a volatility too high are suspect. This principle is embodied in the Chauvenet floor with the definition of two asymptotes and two data areas rejection.
The Chauvenet Radius is the quadratic sum of the delta (distance from average) and sigmoid (volatility) and is therefore an obvious market stability index. In fact the moments when price strongly moves away from the average with high volatility coincide with the moments of high instability of the market.
It can be considered an evolution of John Bollinger method introduced during the '80.