Custom IndexEnables users to create their own custom Stock Index with up to 29 tickers! Has included optionality to include/exclude certain sectors, plot sectors individually and measure in gold. Good for having a look at how your favorite tickers have performed (with your modification of course). Also has option to show Moving Averages for your convenience.
Relevant World GDP GroupedLooking at a basket of countries total GDP for comparing size of economy. Makes it easy to select your own groupings of countries for comparison. A country's GDP is the total of consumer spending (C) plus business investment (I) and government spending (G), plus net exports, which is total exports minus total imports (X – M). Alliances visualized was the original idea but wasn't quite sure for a lot of other countries where they stand so it is what it is; feel free to improve.
Moving Average Ribbon [TheBearFighter]
This code was written using:
•Pine Script Coding Conventions.
This script provides a very useful tool for new community users and professionals. It puts at your disposal a Moving Average Ribbon by hand to graph and easily find the ones with the highest performance. The creation of this script was motivated because in free TradingView accounts there is a limit of 3 indicators by chart, and with this tool you can draw up to 32 MA's at the same time!
Choose one of 10 types of MA´s:
•KAMA Kaufman's moving average.
•HULL Hull moving average.
•TEMA Triple exponencial moving average.
•LSMA Least square moving average.
•DEMA Double exponencial moving average.
•ALMA Arnaud Legoux moving average.
•WMA Weighted moving average
•EMA Exponencial moving average.
•VWMA Volume Weighted moving average.
•SMA Simple moving average.
Use the tooltips to know the lengths of MA´s.
A main characteristic of the script is that the lengths are in days but when changing the lowest timeframes, the same daily resolution is maintained. This gives us extreme precision in intraday timeframes, e.g 30 minutes.
Once this is understood, we can turning the MA´s on/off, and changing the timeframe to our liking.
Available timeframes: M, W, D, 4H, 1H, 30m, 15m, 5m.
Also the MA´s are colored for easy visualization and know if they grow or decrease.
Thank´s to @midtownsk8rguy to let me know more about HEX colors.
Thank´s to @HPotter for his KAMA.