Balance of Power Heikin Ashi Investing Strategy Balance of Power Heikin Ashi Investing Strategy
This is a swing strategy designed for investment help.
Its made around the Balace of Power indicator, but has been adapted on using the Monthly Heikin Ashi candle from the SPY asset in order to be used with correlation for US Stock/ETF/Index Markets.
The BOP acts as an oscilallator showing the power of a bull trend when its positive and a bearish trend when its in negative. At the same time we can spot reversals, based on the percentiles ( 99/1)
The rules for entry :
For long : The 99 percentile is ascending, and we are either in a positive value (>0), or we crossed the bottom place ( -0.35)
For short : the 99 and 1 percentile are descending, and we are either in a negative value(<0), or we crossed down the top place ( 0.6)
If you have any questions please let me know !
Buy and hold calculatorThis is a simple buy and hold calculator.
You have an initial date and once that dated it passed it will sell the product that was bought initially.
This strategy buys and sell 100% of the initial volume.
Buy the Dips (by Coinrule)Taking your first steps into automated trading may be challenging. Coinrule's mission is to make it as easy as possible, also for beginners.
Here follows the best trading strategy to get started with Coinrule. This strategy doesn't involve complex indicators, yet was proved to be effective in the long term for many coins. Results seem to be improved when trading a coin vs Bitcoin.
The strategy buys the dips of a coin to sell with a profit. A stop-loss protects every trade.
Crypto markets offer high volatility and, thus, excellent opportunities for trading. Excluding times of severe downtrend, buying the dip is a simple and effective long-term trading strategy. The buy-signal is set to a 2% drop in a 30-minutes time frame.
Each trade comes with a take profit and a stop loss. Both set at 2%.
You can adjust these percentages to the market volatility as an advanced setup. You can backtest the outcomes using the backtesting tool from Tradingview
The strategy assumes each order to trade 30% of the available capital. A trading fee of 0.1% is taken into account. The fee is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance, which is the largest cryptocurrency exchange.