Midpoint - MGEnglish Descriptions
Midpoint - MG indicator is an indicator available in Netdania application. I wanted to contribute of moving it to this environment for Tradingview users. The basic logic is the value obtained by adding the highest and lowest levels in the specified periods and dividing them into two. The specified range is left to user preference. The desired range can be selected from the indicator settings. The intersection of the price with this average up or down can be used as an auxiliary element related to our trade. Thanks in the hope that it will be useful.
Türkçe Açıklama
Midpoint - MG indikatörü Netdania uygulamasında bulunan bir göstergedir. Bende Tradingview kullanıcıları için bu ortama taşıyarak katkıda bulunmak istedim. Temel mantığı belirlenen periyotlarda en yüksek ve en düşük seviyenin toplanarak ikiye bölünmesiyle ortaya çıkan değerdir. Belirlenen aralık kullanıcı tercihine bırakılmıştır. İndikatör ayarlarından istenen aralık seçilebilmektedir. Fiyatın bu ortalama ile aşağı veya yukarı kesişmesi bize ticaretimiz ile alakalı yardımcı unsur olarak kullanılabilmektedir. Faydalı olması umuduyla teşekkkürler.
Technical AverageTECHNICAL AVERAGE =
( EMA 8 + EMA 21 + MA 50 + MA 200 + MONTHLY PIVOT + ANNUAL PIVOT ) / 6
One such indicator for those who trade with Fundamental Analysis . One line.
He'll show me where to get the stock.
( EMA 8 + EMA 21 + MA 50 + MA 200 + AYLIK PİVOT + YILLIK PİVOT) / 6
Temel Analiz ile işlem yapanlar için böyle bir indikatör. Tek çizgi.
Hisseyi nerelerden almalıyımı gösterecek.
TMA All in OneTriangular Moving Averages
TMA formula is prepared on the Tradingview so that everyone can easly access.
First, calculate the simple moving average ( SMA ):
SMA = (P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + ... + PN ) / N
Then, take the average of all the SMA values to get TMA values.
TMA = (SMA1 + SMA2 + SMA3 + SMA4 + ... SMAN) / N
The TMA can also be expressed
Source : Close
if the prices are upper than moving averages price bar color will be green, if lower than moving average it will be red color.
İf the trend is bullish , TMA will work as support
İf the trend is bear, TMA will work as resistance..
We used SMA5 ( Simple Moving Average5)
İf short period average(Green), cross up Longterm average (brown) that means BUY ( Green area)
İf opposite SELL ( Red area)
My idea, weekly period gives very good results to middleterm and long term invesment..That can help us from which prices we can buy the stock which we think that financial results are positive..
The other topic;
At the end, everytime prices return back to average values, and prices can move away until some distance. We can buy or sell with mixed prices, that can provide us better buy or sell average cost.
in Default Settings;
SELL 2.Area = 20% over than Longterm average, if the prices go upper that means prices are increased so much
SELL 1.Area = 13% over than Longterm average, if the prices go upper that means prices are incresed a bit.
BUY 1.Area = 3% lower than Longterm average, if the prices go upper that means prices are decreased a bit.
BUY 2.Area = 10% lower than Longterm average, f the prices go upper that means prices are decreased so much
You can use this indicator in your interested stock market.. With checking historical behaviour of the related stock market, you can make balance on the indicator setting.
According to averages, below BUY-SELL strategy is important,
Powerful SELL
1- Previosly İncrease
2- Price cross down the long average line
3- Short average,crossdown the long average
4- Price approach to long average, but close the bar under this average
Powerful BUY
1. Previosly Decrease
2. Price cross up the long average line
3. Short average crossup the long average line
4. Price approach to long average, but close the bar over this average
HUK ElasticVolume/50 MOVING AVERAGE e 50/200/20 Coral TrendElastic Volume Default Settings : 50 lenght!
Moving Average Default Settings:50 / 200
EMA Default Settings :20
Coral Trend Default Settings :21/0,4
Thank you ! emR Huk ..