Sessions KillZones Library [TradingFinder]🔵 Introduction
"The Forex Trading Sessions" highlight the active periods across different markets where significant trading volume and influence on the forex market are evident. The primary trading sessions globally include the "Asian Session," "London Session," and "New York Session."
A "Kill Zone" refers to a segment within a session characterized by high trading volume and notably sharper price movements. Consequently, there's a higher probability of encountering price action setups within these zones. Traders capitalize on this phenomenon in pursuit of more successful trading outcomes.
If you aim to integrate sessions or kill zones into your indicators or strategies, utilizing this library can amplify the precision and efficiency of your Python script development.
🔵 How to Use
First, you can add the library to your code as shown in the example below:
import TFlab/SessionAndKillZoneLibrary_TradingFinder/1
🟣 Parameters
SessionDetector(Session_Name, Session_Time, KillZone_Time, Session_Show, KillZone_Show, AreaUpdate, MoreInfo, Session_Color, Info_Color) =>
•Session_Name (string)
•Session_Time (string)
•KillZone_Time (string)
•Session_Show (bool)
•KillZone_Show (bool)
•AreaUpdate (string)
•MoreInfo (bool)
•Session_Color (color)
•Info_Color (color)
Session_Name : You must enter the session name in this parameter.
Session_Time : Enter here the start and end time of the session, which should be based on the UTC time zone.
KillZone_Time : Enter the start and end times of the kill zone, which should be based on the UTC time zone, here.
Session_Show : You can control whether or not to show the session using this entry. You must set true to display and false to not display.
KillZone_Show : Using this input you can control whether the kill zone is displayed or not. You must set true to display and false to not display.
AreaUpdate : If you want the session to be determined based on the time and high and low of the session itself, you must enter "Session" and if you want the area to be determined based on the time and high and low of the kill zone, you must enter "Kill Zone".
MoreInfo : If you want more information, you should set this entry to true, otherwise set to false. This information includes the number of candles in the area, the length of time in the area and the volume of transactions in the area.
Session_Color : Enter your desired color to display the session at this section. It is recommended to use bright and sharp colors.
Info_Color : Enter your desired color to display more information in this section.
🔵 Function Outputs
The outputs of this function are direct and indirect.
🟣 Indirect outputs
These outputs include session display, kill zone display, and time and volume information of session or kill zone.
🟣 Direct outputs
There are 8 direct outputs, which are:
Session Time : If the Session is active, it outputs 1, and if the Session is inactive, it outputs 0.
Kill Zone Time : If the Kill Zone is active, it outputs 1, and if the Kill Zone is inactive, it outputs 0.
Open : Session opening price.
High : The highest price of the session.
Low : The lowest price of the session.
Close : The last price of the session.
Low Touch Alert : If "Area Update" is in "Kill Zone" mode, if the price reaches the lowest price of the kill zone in the same session after the end of the kill zone, this output will be true. You can use this output to create an alert.
High Touch Alert : If "Area Update" is in "Kill Zone" mode, if the price reaches the highest price of the kill zone in the same session after the end of the kill zone, this output will be true. You can use this output to create an alert.
Important : To use "Open", "High", "Low" and "Close", "Area Update" must be in "Session" mode.
SessionVolumeProfileLibrary "SessionVolumeProfile"
Analyzes price & volume during regular trading hours to provide a session volume profile analysis. The primary goal of this library is to provide the developer with three values: the value area high, low and the point of control. The library also provides methods for rendering the value areas and histograms. To learn more about this library and how you can use it, click on the website link in my profile where you will find a blog post with detailed information.
debug(vp, position)
Helper function to write some information about the supplied SVP object to the screen in a table.
vp (Object) : The SVP object to debug
position (string) : The position.* to place the table. Defaults to position.bottom_center
Depending on the timeframe of the chart, determines a lower timeframe to grab volume data from for the analysis
Returns: The timeframe string to fetch volume for
get(volumeProfile, lowerTimeframeHigh, lowerTimeframeLow, lowerTimeframeVolume)
Populated the provided SessionVolumeProfile object with vp data on the session.
volumeProfile (Object) : The SessionVolumeProfile object to populate
lowerTimeframeHigh (float ) : The lower timeframe high values
lowerTimeframeLow (float ) : The lower timeframe low values
lowerTimeframeVolume (float ) : The lower timeframe volume values
drawPriorValueAreas(todaySessionVolumeProfile, extendYesterdayOverToday, showLabels, labelSize, pocColor, pocStyle, pocWidth, vahlColor, vahlStyle, vahlWidth, vaColor)
Given a SessionVolumeProfile Object, will render the historical value areas for that object.
todaySessionVolumeProfile (Object) : The SessionVolumeProfile Object to draw
extendYesterdayOverToday (bool) : Defaults to true
showLabels (bool) : Defaults to true
labelSize (string) : Defaults to size.small
pocColor (color) : Defaults to #e500a4
pocStyle (string) : Defaults to line.style_solid
pocWidth (int) : Defaults to 1
vahlColor (color) : The color of the value area high/low lines. Defaults to #1592e6
vahlStyle (string) : The style of the value area high/low lines. Defaults to line.style_solid
vahlWidth (int) : The width of the value area high/low lines. Defaults to 1
vaColor (color) : The color of the value area background. Defaults to #00bbf911)
drawHistogram(volumeProfile, bgColor, showVolumeOnHistogram)
Given a SessionVolumeProfile object, will render the histogram for that object.
volumeProfile (Object) : The SessionVolumeProfile object to draw
bgColor (color) : The baseline color to use for the histogram. Defaults to #00bbf9
showVolumeOnHistogram (bool) : Show the volume amount on the histogram bars. Defaults to false.
numberOfRows (series__integer)
valueAreaCoverage (series__integer)
trackDevelopingVa (series__bool)
valueAreaHigh (series__float)
pointOfControl (series__float)
valueAreaLow (series__float)
startTime (series__integer)
endTime (series__integer)
dayHigh (series__float)
dayLow (series__float)
step (series__float)
pointOfControlLevel (series__integer)
valueAreaHighLevel (series__integer)
valueAreaLowLevel (series__integer)
volumeRows (array__float)
priceLevelRows (array__float)
ltfSessionHighs (array__float)
ltfSessionLows (array__float)
ltfSessionVols (array__float)