Emibap's HEX Uniswap v3 Liquidity PoolThis script will display a histogram of the Uniswap V3 HEX liquidity pool, versus as many tokens as possible.
Current supported pairs:
HEX/WETH.USD (Ethereum expressed in USD)
HEX/USDT (Just showing the USDC liquidity)
Similar to what you can see in the liquidity section of the Uniswap pool page but conveniently rendered alongside your chart.
It's meant to be used on a HEX / WETH chart only. The price should be expressed in WETH for it to work.
One of the main motivations for using this in your chart is to get an idea of the current sentiment: If most of the volume is above the price it might be an indication of an upcoming move up, for instance.
I'll try to update the liquidity regularly.
Using the 4h, daily, or weekly time frames is highly recommended.
The options are straightforward:
Histogram bars color. Default is blue
Histogram background color. Default is black at 20% opacity
Upper price limit of the diagram: Visible upper bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 200%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 3 as the upper bound
Lower price limit of the diagram. Visible lower bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 99%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 0. 01 as the upper bound
Width of the widest bar: Width (in bars) for the widest bar of the histogram. The more the higher resolution you'll get
Locked volume marker line thickness
Locked volume marker color
Emibap's Uniswap V3 HEX/WETH 0.3% Liquidity PoolThis script will display a histogram of the Uniswap V3 HEX / WETH 3% liquidity pool.
Similar to what you can see in the liquidity section of the Uniswap pool page but conveniently rendered alongside your chart.
It's meant to be used on a HEX / WETH chart only. The price should be expressed in WETH for it to work.
One of the main motivations for using this in your chart is to get an idea of the current sentiment: If most of the volume is below the price it might be an indication of an upcoming move up, for instance.
I'll try to update the liquidity regularly.
Using the 4h, daily, or weekly time frames is highly recommended.
The options are straightforward:
Histogram bars color. Default is blue
Histogram background color. Default is black at 20% opacity
Upper price limit of the diagram: Visible upper bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 200%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 3 as the upper bound
Lower price limit of the diagram. Visible lower bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 99%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 0. 01 as the upper bound
Width of the widest bar: Width (in bars) for the widest bar of the histogram. The more the higher resolution you'll get
Emibap's Uniswap V3 HEX/USDC 3% Liquidity PoolThis script will display a histogram of the Uniswap V3 HEX / USDC 3% liquidity pool.
Similar to what you can see in the liquidity section of the Uniswap pool page but conveniently rendered alongside your chart.
It's meant to be used on any HEX / USDC chart only.
One of the main motivations for using this in your HEX / USDC chart is to get an idea of the current sentiment: If most of the volume is below the price it might be an indication of an upcoming move up, for instance.
I'll try to update the liquidity regularly; if possible several times a day.
Using the 4h, daily, or weekly time frames is highly recommended.
The options are straightforward:
Histogram bars color. Default is blue
Histogram background color. Default is black at 20% opacity
Upper price limit of the diagram: Visible upper bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 200%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 3 as the upper bound
Lower price limit of the diagram. Visible lower bound price limit for the histogram, based on the current price. I.E: 99%: If the price is 1, the histogram will show 0. 01 as the upper bound
Width of the widest bar: Width (in bars) for the widest bar of the histogram. The more the higher resolution you'll get
USD Prices for Uniswap Token/WETHUniswap instrument prices are in WETH. This indicator translates the series to USD prices and plots the series as candles or as a line. Data is translated by using corresponding series data for ETHUSD. The reference ETHUSD price is from Coinbase.
Any token listed as a ETH/WETH pair could be specified as an input parameter. The default instrument value is set to UNISWAP: DPIWETH, an index created by indexcoop and tracking the DEFI basket.
The script is simple and easy to understand. It allows for quick conversion and comparisons and something we had to do in a custom way prior to this script. The crypto and DEFI community would benefit from it immensely. There is even a feature request for something like this on the tradingview subreddit.
UNI Top Cap [jcray]Top cap indicator for UNI, the Uniswap Protocol token. Modified from BTC Top Cap by aamonkey