SPCE get on the VG train The risk/ reward profile of this company is mind blowing. The company is trying to capture a new market in an industry that is very difficult to create competition in. If they manage to scale this business it could turn out to be a monopoly and open a door for all kinds of new ways to make money. The only thing is that it is risky and it will take a lot of time, aka a ship full of clients could blow up and the stock could flash crash, but i think you always have to be optimistic in the stock market. The naysayers might make their 50% in shorting the stock, but they will never do the 100x on the upside. So if you have some money to spare for the next 10 years and are a glass half full type of guy this is a great investment. I have my 1000 shares accumulated in at a price that i would never believed 6 months ago that the market would give me and now i will look at this one at every quarterly report to see the progress made.