Mid cap coins for the next bull run. Research!Trading mid-caps and low caps (aka sh!t coins) is only a good strategy in a bull run for BTC and ETH. But here are some notes on things to look into for the next bull run to keep yourself busy. Understand how they work and how they plan to provide value to make money. DO NOT BUY RIGHT NOW! RESEARCH!
Curve finance ecosystem
Ape coin (bitcoin of gaming crypto) ($20 target next bull run)
Gala games (possible 10X $0.6 target)
Vulcan forged (billion $ market cap w/ $45 target)
Adshares (if they pull off what they're talking about = big IF)
Seedify.fund (face of gaming IDOs)
SuperFarm (Ellio trades)
Verasity (might replace streaming has a cult following)
Illuvium ($500 target in bull run fully diluted valuation is a problem)
Microcap games (interesting)
Wilder world
And then the bigger names:
Solana Vs Polygon Vs Polkadot narrative
Solana: Radium
Polkadot:polkadex & polka starter
The biggest return will come from coins that still have a strong narrative such as the metaverse but have experienced the biggest losses without dying. If you can see how these projects work and what makes them tick you'll be better positioned for the evolution of the metaverse narrative in the coming years.
Right now is not the time to buy it's the time to sit on your hands with the majority in cash. Dry powder will become valuable as the market tanks further trying to convince the FED to print more money. Current moves feel like a bear market rally so yes if you need to scratch an itch it's an "in and out 20 min adventure" don't say I didn't warn you. Just my opinion but stay off the tracks for a little longer and jump on the train as it passes instead of getting run over
Now is the time to learn. An hour a day just watching Krowns crypto cave or real vision finance will do wonders in a year if one is consistent. Avoid the blizzard and stay warm digging for the sunshine. Even if YouTube is all you got for now it'll do.
Maybe pick up an Undoing Project by Michael Lewis book if you like micro or A People's History of the world by Chris Harman if you like macro.
All the best, see you on the moon.