MAGS, at the time of launch, is the first-ever FAAMG ETF in the US market space. The fund targets a narrow portfolio of 5-10 stocks publicly known as tech giants, aiming to capture the largest companies in social media, e-commerce, consumer discretionary, cloud computing, tech hardware, and software. On an annual basis, the adviser reviews the US tech universe to select the largest companies based on market cap, trading volume, and sector relevance. Holdings are equally weighted in the portfolio and rebalanced quarterly. As an actively managed fund, the adviser has full discretion in managing the portfolio. From time to time, 100% of the funds assets may be invested in US treasury securities, money market funds, and/or short-term bond ETFs. Holdings may include common stocks and ADRs, though the fund primarily gains exposure through the use of swaps and forward contracts. Prior to Nov. 9, 2023, the fund was called Roundhill BIG Tech ETF, trading under the ticker BIGT.