TRXUSD: What are you waiting for?I don't know what to say! This is far valuable ten DIAMOND! When you but Tron, you actually hire Justin! This young talented man is working for you. He has demonstrated his excellency. When you sell Tron you fire him! Right?
I do not know of any RICH TRADER! I do know of RICH INVESTORS. One cannot ride on all market's waves. You get nervous & repeatedly can make horrible mistakes. Money precipitates in different assets OVER TIME. Forget about Noises, Pumps, Dumps, NEWS specially & rumor.
Learn, Learn, Try Cautiously, Step In INVESTMENT gradually - BUY/SELL (at Different TIMES & Different PRICES). Do not rush into/out of doing anything all at once. Drink your coffee, think your Winning Plan (BUY/SELL Times, Prices, Portfolio, etc.) - Devise YOUR OWN STRATEGY, and do not mimic any other person.
Once upon a time I thought Trading is about IQ! I thought I am so smart! Now I am WISE! I do believe now that not only Trading, but also all other things, are about IQ, EQ & LQ and these 3 are cannot be separated. In my greedy dummy search for more & more money I crashed MYSELF, I overlooked/look down on others. I have lost MY LOVE Quotient! I have got no share of LOVE!
These are much more important than comparing some dummy numbers of some more or less percentages & getting nervous why I couldn't buy this or that. Think about your VISION, your life MISSION. Think about the poor, those who need your BEING & not your money. Think about what really matters to make a better environment & life for everybody. Give LIGHT of love & passion to your neighbors, and your own house will be brighter.
I could not miss sharing the IDEA of TRY to BE MORE HUMAN. It is a reminder to myself first & last. I do love Trading. Yet I must love MYSELF & PEOPLE first & ever.
Sorry for elongating the words. Wish you best of the bests in life & career.