Is Monero XMR Truly Anonymous?Monero is a cryptocurrency launched in 2014 to provide crypto users with an anonymous Blockchain platform. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency that utilizes a public distributed ledger embedded with privacy-focused technologies to achieve anonymity. It is also an open-source network that ensures that observers cannot decode transactions and activities regarding its cryptocurrency. Monero’s blockchain design is unique, and all transaction details from sender to receiver are kept private. Despite possessing similarities with popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Monero is quite different in its operation. It currently has the largest community of developers, behind Bitcoin and Ethereum. Like Bitcoin and Ethereum, users can mine Monero, and the process is purely egalitarian. The native and governance token of the blockchain is Monero (XMR). At the launch time, the developers did not reserve any XMR for themselves, as they relied solely on community support.