qqqq this is more stuff dsceiptions have min length qqq does not look that good nope
this is a description about spx here is some stuff and a chart still looks choppy yep
this is a desc word minmimums is so toxic please l;et me jsut post this idea
send it also yes i know the pitfork looks a bit weird trust lyra tho it's gas
this is a chart Lyra is absolutely crazy this thing is jsut way too good like unironically
this is about dia diamonds are kinda cool but they're epxensive sheeeeesh
QQQ this is continued information to make the description longer but the chart is pretty self explantyory ehre
it go up i really hope or clapped 11:09 AM] Jcgonthier: So can reject very hard
hold or not lets see it here at 400 prayge nflx bouce
this is the least bad looks okay for now best to hold literally right here or it's also dead
its not looking good lets see earnings save or dump this thing
this is so the thing is long enough probably sideways oen leg and then down more but we will see
weekly break 3:40 PM] Aribu Inu🌸: better visualization Aribu Inu🌸:this thing is going to Aribu Inu🌸: 61 shiro ♓: lllllit Aribu Inu🌸: i just broke Aribu Inu🌸: mlike Aribu Inu🌸: a 4 yr dt shiro ♓: it'sLIT
AMAT - Applied Materials, Inc. | 4.65% | slower than smh tyime for it go nocyap
shiro ♓: ok shiro ♓: :POGGIES: yeah looks weaker vs the past 2 wks
okay okay i can make these typable still looks choppy better now th0
omg pls make ur charts importable so i can omp [ort them iok i guesss hitpf bottom here