The rebound on Friday is continuity in this weekly start on European stock exchanges. The next sessions arrive loaded with references and important meetings for the economy, although its absence this Monday leads analysts to point out that this is more of a pending session. With this scenario, the indices take advantage to take a run. The season of results starts...
Kenaikan awal pagi ini telah menaikkan DAX kembali ke puncak bulan Jun, ketika rali ini diperbaharui setelah perdagangan campuran pada bulan Jun. Sokongan trendline yang meningkat dari rendah pertengahan bulan telah membantu harga untuk membuat rangkaian rendah yang lebih tinggi yang mengekalkan prospek yang lebih menaik. Early gains this morning have lifted the...
HI ALL, your comments/feedback much appreciated. Thanks
Kindly assist to recommend me some improvement from this analysis pattern. I'm using Elliot waves Thanks.