This a bearish trade on XOP using a 10/23/15 vertical put spread. Go long the 10/23 $32.50 put and short the 10/23 $29 put, with a limit order at $1.17 per contract. The max gain per contract is $233, and the max loss per contract is $117, for slightly less than a 2:1 risk/reward ratio. Hold until expiration.
This a bearish trade on EFA using a 10/23/15 vertical put spread. Go long the 10/23 $57 put and short the 10/23 $55 put, with a limit order at $0.65 per contract. The max gain per contract is $135, and the max loss per contract is $65, for slightly more than a 2:1 risk/reward ratio. Hold until expiration.
This a bearish trade on EZU using a 10/16/15 vertical put spread. Go long the 10/16 $34 put and short the 10/16 $33 put, with a limit order at $0.34 per contract. The max gain per contract is $66, and the max loss per contract is $34, for slightly less than a 2:1 risk/reward ratio. Hold until expiration.
We are revising yesterday's EWZ order to a $22/$20 vertical spread (long the 10/9 $22 puts and short the 10/9 $20 puts), at a limit order of $0.67 per contract. This will give us a max gain of $133 per contract, and a max loss of $67 per contract. Hold until expiration.
This a bearish trade on XME using a 10/9/15 vertical put spread. Go long the 10/9 $17 put and short the 10/9 $16, with a limit order at $0.31 per contract. The max gain per contract is $69, and the max loss per contract is $31, for slightly more than a 2:1 risk/reward ratio. Hold until expiration.
This a bearish trade on EWG using a 10/23/15 vertical put spread. Go long the 10/23 $24.50 put and short the 10/23 $23.50, with a limit order at $0.34 per contract. The max gain per contract is $66, and the max loss per contract is $34, for slightly less than a 2:1 risk/reward ratio. Hold until expiration.
This a bearish trade on FEZ using a 10/16/15 vertical put spread. Go long the 10/16 $33.5 put and short the 10/16 $32, with a limit order at $0.50 per contract. The max gain per contract is $100, and the max loss per contract is $50, for a 2:1 risk/reward ratio. Hold until expiration.
This a bearish trade on EWZ using a 10/9/15 vertical put spread. Go long the 10/9 $22 put and short the 10/9 $20.50, with a limit order at $0.50 per contract. The max gain per contract is $100, and the max loss per contract is $50, for a 2:1 risk/reward ratio. Hold until expiration.