from Renkotrade Hello to all watching my charts. As a lot of yours wanted to get from me information about Risk/Reward trades i will try it here in Dax as sample. New Long has been the Mode after the break of last resistance at 12914. Target has been the old high 12975 which has been reachin during the trading day. RRR = 2.55 Good trades. if you want to...
a bit too much and too fast... how is this actually working except unbalanced balance sheets ?
this is the market reality: xly why ? if the average Joe is not well... how can the market explode ? explode where and why ?
watch this until you understand. let me know how this goes for you...
watch this. meditate on it. let me know your conclusions.
the numbers are shocking. i have no idea why ppl love this brand so much (i own no Apple)... and the numbers are as stable as a powder business run on high addicts. and the powder is not even cheap !!!!!! mind boggling or just FAKE NUMBERS ? can this be possible ??!!!!!!!! how can the GDP contract so much but the Apple products sell like bread and water...