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Please like my blog post on steemit (link below) - I'm trying to build a community and it pays me a little bit per like --- thank you soo much!
Please like my blog post (where i mention this chart along with others) on steemit (link below) -I'm trying to build a community and it pays me a little bit per like --- thank you soo much!
Please like my blog post on steemit (link below) - I'm trying to build a community and it pays me a little bit per like --- thank you soo much!
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Just messing with the deCRED USD chart and it looks like in the short run ... next 2 to 3 days, there is a significant possibility that decred will come close to $100 or spike passed it. Keep and eye on this, lets see what develops! Good Luck!
Dash is on the move but i'm not ready to buy, no sir. I really want to own some dash but it's just not at the price I'd feel comfortable at. Projection shows that DASH may catch up to Bitcoin this year, yes it's undervalued providing all kinds of buy signals at this time, just not ready. I'm a buyer at half its current price, not a chaser.
Looks to be tha last day down today or at least within the next 48 hours... we shall see. Here are the trend characteristics I look for when investing ... aggressive up-cycle accompanied by a relatively calm down cycle (Bull Staircase Trends).
Here is another chart reevaluating trend possibilities. deCRED is a Top 10 Coin ... pretty much the billion dollar club, it may have a chance to be worth at least a quarter of a bitcoin but due to its evolutionary nature, it has unlimited potential, who's to say that it may not one day match or surpass bitcoin? Ether is leading the way to do that but way too...
Just by looking at the chart... I was sure its overpriced, but due to the lack of historical data this is all I can come up with... looks like it should go up some and something to look into. It looks to be at a daily turning point ... I prefer long term (Weekly) but not enough info. Invest at your own risk. Looks risky but may pay off.
I'm Expecting a Profitable Month --- Purple/Green lines are my expected price forecasts ( based on past flux) not to say that it won't just go parabolic! ... Purple is a conservative projection where green is aggressive! Will DECRED take the High Road!? POLONIEX:DCRBTC