PLX at its best.. 0 volume and 0 pressure upwards. Tons of downward pressure..!! Who would sell at these levels??? Short this?? Ok.. Looks bad till January?? Maybe.. we turn a corner.. Upwards.. Maybe..
As most of us know this stock doesn't deal well with resistance !! So..after poking through support I really have no idea what will happen tomorrow. I am invested in this and like many cant seem to understand why this stock has such weak abilities. Hopefully... it draws some buyers here soon and can rise above support. But it may just keep dipping lower till...
Thank god for charts.. It may be the only thing keeping this POS co from going to 0..!! For all you who are holding long.. as I am as well. Put on ur best Jersey accent and.. Fogetaboutit..!!! Lets hope someday we wake up and some crazy news comes in and we CAN ALL GET OUT OF THIS POS !!! It could happen..Right? I welcome any and all comments.. by the way..
After 3 yrs of learning to speak semi fluent PLX I have learned a thing or two. When they dont say anything.. THEY are saying plenty. And this time.. When they mentioned nothing about April ..filling for the BLA. They meant it. There will be no filing based on the data they have thus far. If Im wrong.. I will eat my words. But my gut tells me they knew it all...
APRIL.. APRIL..APRIL.. They told us.. Thats when they will use Bright data and file for the BLA.. Because the FDA said they could? Right??? Ill say it again.. April.. April April.. WELL ITS APRIL..!!!!!!!!!! Wanna know what I think they wont do???? Pretty clear now isnt it?
And I have no idea if this will hold or explode. RS is good and bad but it still doesn't take care of their financial issues. Unless they dilute. Then its bad and I will dump my shares. Of which I have 170k . What a strange stock..??!!!
PLX : In true limp D$#K fashion. I am bearish till they , hopefully figure our their finances. Don't doubt they have a winner in 102 but ...and that is a Major Butt.. R/S and then Dilution? Not ;likening whats goin on here. Ya.. they probably need the RS but give us something ..!! So we don't think ur gonna Dilute us into Oblivion..!! Is it the language barrier?...
The real reason I picked up more today?? Everything in me says not to. !!! That is usually a sure sign. Logic does not run the markets. !!! Lets meet the new CEO and see what happens..
Wanna get out of this stock??? Are you under water? Cut ur losses @.64. Only thing is.. Ya need high volume to dump a lot of shares.. Or wait till they dilute and a yr plus passes and it gets back to .60 + Hopefully..Maybe !!!Terrible management ..MGMT keeps gettin their checks..while failing at their jobs..!! wouldn't that be nice?? .. and not to mention its...
My opinion of what AMZN stock ..will do. It has broken down. It will fall far beyond its worth and will be picked up by few.. But..when all is said and done ...come 2 yrs from now.. It will have hit new highs and most will wonder ,Why didn't I buy it when it was around a grand!!!!????? Jus my opinion.. No one knows the future..
Getting very close ..maybe close a pretty healthy support. I would cover if shorting and see how it responds to this.
its just...which way will it break??" ID put my money on a bullish break.. to be followed by a bearish break..Followed by a very bearish break !!!Short the spikes...IMO...
I see PLX describing tomorrow's info very vague and no one will buy it. And then... not a word. Till either dilution or AA request to FDA. Which could be months. Sell the spikes !!
I pray AMZN goes to $1150.00 ...Cuz I will load the TRUCK !!!
I think it has no chance. Why on earth would the Fed allow or let ( which ever you prefer ) a currency / commodity .. to run when they have no profit in it.?? Rules of the game? KNOW UR COMPETITORS !! And what they are capable of. Bitcoin is a lost cause.!! Of course I could be dead wrong..!! Bet Im not though..
NG has had its time in the sun. Prepare for some serious shade. Save the small spring spike.
Just another attempt by longs at resistance. Not gonna stick. Bitcoin is a thing of the past. Short or sell all spikes. !!