Pretty sure this graph shows the wedge pattern pretty clearly. It will come back down to test support, before a massive rally. likely to 85-95k before Mid December. December will be the peak before massive correction. - All this is predicated on no Black Swan event. (nuclear or ET global events)
Hi all, ive been seeing a lot of news about the stock market being over heated lately, a big parabolic rally. However i got to thinking about the money supply increasing and inflation happening. If we divide DJI by m2, we can see that the market has actually not been at all time highs compared to the money supply at all.
As you can see here I have been testing some levels of the vortex indicator for similarities in bitcoins past and have found a striking similarity to the bitcoin run two years ago. As you can see the vortex bands are consolidating in nearly an identical formation even though the pattern on price action is not identical. The vortex indicator showed an early sign of...
What do you guys think of these movements?