The printing clown show continues. On lookout for Hyper Inflation in scarcity plays (profit generators today not 10 years from now sillies). Those overvalued hyped names of the past decade will come down hard (no profits in sight for next decade). #investingainteasy #epiceconomics
Gross. Vultures Everywhere! DigiDollar wins. #ValuationMatters $GNLN #thegem
#dustinthewind #digipogs #digidollar wins. #epiceconomicw #valuationmatters. Even in the #metaverse. #investingNFTs .05c to sub penny. #investingainteasy
No buyers. No sellers. Just the same few HODLers in the #echochamber Run. #deadcatbounce
Imagine thinking to give your #digidollars for these #digipogs. Bad Idea. Go Greenlane Holdings GNLN. #thegem
Nothing below. #poof 420 Day is for GNLN #thegem
So much HOPIUM and STORYTELLING by the #TwitterPampers. #HouseofCards goes #Poof. Epic Economics DigiDollar beats DigiPogs #CBDCs
Run. DigiDollar & CBDCs win. DigiPogs lose.
#DigiPOGS You lose. .38c "USD" is far too much for this POG. Not worth a fraction of a PENNY USD #CBDC Collect DigiDOLLARS or lose. Depsperation #FOMO everywhere. #POOF
Collect DigiDollars instead #DigiPOGS
$64,854 ATH & #poof #roundtrip #epiceconomics
#EpicEconomics #houseofcards #poof Cost of Goods Sold... lumber, etc. inlflat(ed). *past tense Rent not extended anymore. Pandemic tenants & landlords fallout.
BUY LOW, SELL HIGH #epiceconomics
COLLECT DOLLARS, NOT POGS! #ponzified Yes I love Ethereum. Love DOLLARS MORE. WHAT'S IT WORTH? #marathoninvesting #valuationmatters #metavers #investingnfts #epiceconomics #gnln #thegem #usamso
My guess... SEC forced him to do it to save America's tide pod kids. #EarlPearls
The supply is goofed for a #poof #fomo #stonks #valuationmatters #marijuanamovement wins #gnln #thegem
The #digi #pog mall (#metaverse) is empty. NOMO shoppers. #gameover
#cashexit the #fomo #stonks. Watch for all the incoming dead cat bounces. Stay away from them too.