SHORT Seattle Home Prices Correlated to $AMZN and $MSFT S&P 500/S&P CASE-SHILLER SEATTLE HOME PRICE INDEX correlation also shown for comparison.
SHORT Seattle Home Prices Correlated to $AMZN and $MSFT
Seattle Home Prices Correlated to $AMZN and $MSFT
The Broadening Top pattern forms when the price progressively makes higher highs (1, 3) and lower lows (2, 4) following two widening trend lines. The price is expected to move up or down past the pattern depending on which line is broken first. A bit of a toss up since the broadening top formation appears much more frequently at tops than at bottoms, and therefore...
Strong bull run for CHFS– ADX at 26.2 with Squeeze Momentum Indicator indicating breakout bull run. The market was ranging for almost a week before entering a squeeze (first black cross on SQMOM) and popping nearly 20% on January 8th. Expect some slight consolidation in pre-market trading on the 9th to bring the RSI below overbought levels followed by another bull-run.
BTC is sucking the life blood out of alts, and NEO is no exception. Heavily oversold on the cyclic adjusted RSI indicator. The cyclic smoothed RSI indicator is an enhancement of the classic RSI , adding * additional smoothing according to the market vibration, * adaptive upper and lower bands according to the cyclic memory and * using the current dominant...
Using @WhenToTrade's cyclic smoothed RSI indicator (which is well-suited to measuring RSI in the more volatile crypto markets) we see that BTC is just barely oversold, indicating a short-term recovery. The cyclic smoothed RSI indicator is an enhancement of the classic RSI , adding * additional smoothing according to the market vibration, * adaptive upper and...