Wait Short 1.22200-1.22400 / 1.22700
Wait Short 1917-cut 1920 if upper 1920 Long or wait 1900 for Long
24/08/2020 Pivot 1933 - price upper 1933 Buy to target 1955 - price lower 1933 down to target 1910
Pivot Point 1939 buy if price upper 1939 to target 1960-1980
intraday trade 1476.5 is pivot point price lower 1476.5 can sell to target 1470-1465 price upper 1476.5 can buy to target 1482-1490 *** 8.30pm news non farm /unemployment***
Sell for intraday trade 1477.7 pivot point Price above 1477.7can buy target 1482-1490 Pric below 1477.7 can sell target 1461-1450
intraday trade 1470.5 pivot point wait & see Price above 1470.5 can buy target 1485-1495, cut if price below 1470 Pric below 1470 can sell target 1465-1460
1459 is pivot point for intraday trading now price upper 1459 can buy target 1465-1470 if price below 1459 (1h candle) can sell target 1455-1450