I already stated to buy gold once it was at 1811. Unfortunately tradingview hided the post. Due to external links in the explanation section. Once it hit point 5 you have another buying oppertunity.
Only stating to BUY AVAX your choice to execute. ONLY EXECUTE IF YOU SEE THIS POST EARLY ENOUGH AS THE PRICE STILL IS AROUND THE SAME PRICE MORE OR LESS. Check out my previous posts to check my accuracy. Comment down below to get notified when to close the trade.
Only stating to SELL GOLD your choice to execute. ONLY EXECUTE IF YOU SEE THIS POST EARLY ENOUGH AS THE PRICE STILL IS AROUND THE SAME PRICE MORE OR LESS. Check out my previous posts to check my accuracy. Comment down below to get notified when to close the trade.
Only stating to SELL GOLD your choice to execute. ONLY EXECUTE IF YOU SEE THIS POST EARLY ENOUGH AS THE PRICE STILL IS AROUND THE SAME PRICE MORE OR LESS. Check out my previous posts to check my accuracy. Comment down below to get notified when to close the trade.
I am only stating to sell eth. Your choice to execute. Look at my other posts for the accuracy of my trades. In the comments, I tell you more. If it was successful or not. Or to close the trade with a break even if it's necessary.
Stating only to sell bitcoin. Your choice to execute. Check out my accuracy rate according other posts here on tradingview.
Only stating to buy XRP. Without any further information. Make your choice.
Sell the eth. Without further information. Make your choice.
I am not saying too much here. Only to BUY MANA. (Decentraland)
BUY I am only stating to buy. Without any further information.
Get in on binance Yearn finance up perpetual contracts. And make ++ gains.
shopping.io represents amazon, wallmart, and ebay. cryptocurrency is not to ignore anymore. It will be used. And shopping.io will be a primair gateway to purchase from these big companies with crypto. See the map on dextools.io. Tradingview for the decentralized crypto market. www.dextools.io Double bottem showing now. At the time of writing. Good luck