Semiconductors were supposed to be the "21st century oil," but they aren't. Whoever believed that was really not rational. Because oil is for heating stuff, making plastic, and fueling vehicles, while computers are just computers are just computers are just computers. Intel has not been bullish, only trading within a $6 range since October. A lot of other...
No matter how much you read in the establishment media or in the narrative-controlled and socially engineered Twitter and Discord and Reddit forums about "recession" this and "bear market" that, the reality is that while some individual stocks have certainly been a bear market for well over a year, the indexes are not a bear market. I made the call back at the...
Before Shopify's 10:1 split, it was trading for $1,800 USD. Notable because it was the Toronto Stock Exchange's biggest stock, trading over $2,000 CAD. This was the kind of stock that all the eyes used to be on. The company processes payments on the Internet and the work from home lockdown glory days are gone. The next time we're all under house arrest will be...
The prevailing narrative in these markets is still that you're in a bear market. Some stocks are in a bear market, specifically the tech junk that retail likes to lose money on, but the indexes are not in a bear market and have not been in a bear market. But it's not that the fundamentals behind the world economy are not bearish. Trouble is brewing, and the...
Tesla has collapsed for five straight months, much to the delight of everyone who hates Elon Musk. To tell you the truth, I think Musk is something of a combination between a psyop, a Fabian, and a guy with some conservative values who wants to protect the happy life he has, but am not particularly a fan of his and don't trust him. Regardless, the Mastodon...
Amazon is a company I frankly do not like anything about. I feel it's like the North American version of the Chinese Communist Party's Aliexpress and roughly exists to rely on a network of fake reviews to push junk made in the CCP's factories through North America for the purposes of letting the Party keep people employed so they don't rebel and to allow the...
The period of market activity following the November CPI pump has been both a choppy grind and hard to get a handle on. I had personally believed that the market makers would run 3,700 long ago, but that we wouldn't set new lows. Turns out, after much deliberation, they ran 4,150 instead and dumped it back to 3,800 but still haven't taken 3,700. When trading,...
Bed Bath and Beyond is a classic case of why you stay the hell away from Reddit, which is partially owned by the Chinese Communist Party's Tencent, and good for very little besides indoctrinating readers with atheism, socialism, Marxist-Leninism's garbage, and a lot of pornography. I remember during the $10+ August run seeing posts on WallStreetBets and the BBBY...
Everywhere I look I hear the narrative that we should be making new lows and everyone should be dumping because the Federal Reserve won't pivot and because the inflation keeps going up. Yet, at the same time that they make that argument, they completely ignore what the Dow Jones did in October, which was no less than a 4,300 point rally forming an outside bar. ...
A lot of fundamentals say that oil should be going up. A lot of Twitteratti and furus say that oil should be going up. Yet, it's not. Oil hasn't been bullish since literally June . The only reason sentiment is still confusedly bullish like this is because WTI isn't (yet) trading like bonds. People say that OPEC+ cutting production was some kind of battle with...
My previous call on natural gas made Sept. 19 has come to fruition, achieving all three targets, and in a shorter than expected period of time: Natural Gas / NG - It's Officially a Bear. Now, Hold My Beer The question I've asked myself for the last few days is simply: Now that the June lows have been taken out, is it time for a reversal? And frankly, I...
The Marxist-Leninist Reddit public relations firm/Wumao-backed brigade told you to buy BBBY at $24 and $30 because RYAN F'IN COHEN. They really are aggressive, cool, and totally unscrupulous. You know, because they have your best interests in mind and want you to get rich, and quick! Then Ryan Cohen sold his 5 million shares at an average price of $18. On...
I came across this stock the other night when it was trending on Twitter and took a look at it for the first time ever. Apparently Vimco is a holding company that's touted for one of its assets being the "TikTok competitor" Lomotif. Personally, I think people who are bullish on app clones of big apps are delirious because the reason those big apps get rooted by...
is this thing that has traded like a boat anchor, as much of a boat anchor as Bitcoin . More or less not moving at all. Yet, as with all things, consolidation periods only last for so long before the volatility picks up again to draw in new attention. This chart is a huge amount of time and very wide ranges and so it's very hard to stuff the important info into...
Tesla is not the kind of stock that you want to get caught trading in the wrong direction on. It moves fast and hard and tends not to come back very easily. Long is preferable to short, because on the monthly, it is not bearish and has left upside objectives behind. Don't kid yourself, those upside targets _will_ be taken out. Tesla is not a weak company. It...
In my recent calls, I have made predictions for Apple to set new all time highs, Tesla to print at least $250 again, and Nasdaq to 14,000. However, whenever price action fails to follow suit with expectations, one must revise, revise, and revise again the situation at hand. With this week's price action topping on Tuesday after what should have been a...
Everyone is telling you to be bearish. Bitcoin just won't go up, they observe. Just like it spent weeks consolidating and not going up at $44,000 and $32,000. Yet, few have asked why in five months Bitcoin has refused to take out the $17,600 low, which was set on a Saturday when regulated futures and the stock markets, which have Bitcoin ETFs, were not trading....
Personally, I have only low opinions of Facebook, for it exists really as a big data collection hub. A lot of tracking cookies just traffic your browsing history and information back to their servers, whether you have an account or not, for AI analysis and surveillance. And then there's the Metaverse, which Mark Zuckerberg and Communist Party Global are so...