Game theory has the elections outcome pegged, and based on that, this is the market prediction. I have upgraded this AI to include the new chaos theory. Very interesting results and are playing out exactly. Such as "a divide within" Here's a taste: The democratic party division of the party itself. When and where? For more, you can contact me. Now custom game...
UPDATE: Just how good is AI based chaos game theory... Mr. Brett Kavanaugh: If confirmed, will spell trouble for the Republicans in November elections. if new judge is not confirmed by November elections ...... (Yes, $$$) if ..... (Yes, $$$) What...
Now that the pipeline access will be handled with different people involved this is great news for all those involved. As with all aboriginal treaties and disputes, this one will go down for the books. Step 1) Diffuse the situation - mishandled from the start. Step 2) PR - again awful handling. Pipeline should be built and will be built. Now that changeover...
This is mostly technical analysis based on projected world events. LMT is a great company period. When it comes to business, if APPL was run like LMT, APPL would be much better than what it is today. Why? 1) World conflict will intensify - and be dragged on. 2) Fusion reactor will be deploy-able around the continental US in 2020 ( thu this is a rough...
According to game theory the following is the only option available to Hillary Clinton should she still wish to pursue White House bid. Currently as it stands Trump is projected to win. Clinton has all but one option: Step aside as VEEP and let Tim Kaine run as the president on a united front message. You welcome Hilary, that is your only option short of Donald...
For some reason tradingview published my idea as private. Here's the link the details on game theory prediction as to this coming year. The food crisis prediction has been long in the making, and has been foreseen for 2016-2017 three years ago. Looking for market data access with 1 second resolution or less, willing to share. link to: Has P. Obama signaled...
Using game theory and other tools: War inflection point is forming around 7/31/15 thus this will send stocks to a nice correction, which some argue is overdue. Rise of the machine is coming, while corporate entities are slow to adopt human work-task reduction due to automated AI systems and robots, profit potential can't be ignored and it wont. This is a moving...
Another successful run on Greece? We will find out very soon.
This is a classic bearish breakout, couldn't reach 78.6 with this move, so a breakdown to 50% line is on its way. EDIT: One small mistake on that chart stop loss should be 39.06 This is also a similar outlook for SPX...
Not is this not just a year end's prediction, but it's also a prediction for the next 3 months. This has a chance of 70% playing out within acceptable bands of error. Bold prediction Game Theory only
This uptrend will continue strong into 2015. This I am expecting some consolidation, the dip will be a buying opportunity.
A picture is worth a thousands words
A small script to extract the real price of SPX vs money supply, It merely illustrates, the idea that M2 has diluted everything, In true perspective I should have added all the US indexes to get the actual real value, and I still might do that, but for now you get the idea of what this represents.
Weak H&S, doubt short will pan out
Decide now. Next two days, opportunity for a short.
Everyone aboard, train ride is coming ether way