BLUF : Early or Late on a "Correction/Pullback" thesis is this, if Gold Jumps UP then SPX goes DOWN or vice versa...TBD! Gold could go either way...Gamma is at 3400-3240 (SPX)...QE not QE doesn't matter it's baked into the Market's Head (Psychology/Lizard Brains)...Goldilocks Macro...the Nature of Markets can HOLD Longer than we can... Fookin HEAD...
Let's Watch the ShitShow...Cheers! " We are What We Pretend to Be ! Remembering...the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent, it’s time to be thinking about hedging for a coming top"
BLUF : Natural selection doesn’t build brains to see the truth! "(E)volution ruthlessly selects against truth strategies and for pay-off strategies," writes Hoffman. "An organism that sees objective reality is always less fit than an organism of equal complexity that sees fitness pay-offs. Seeing objective reality will make you extinct." "I'm denying that...
BLUF : How Low can WTI Crude Go? Is Oil/NatGas getting ready to Flip? NatGas Shorts mostly are off the table...TBD! Let's see what happens...may be time to put that NatGas play back on...what's the temperature?
BLUF : When the Pivot comes...Not All are the might see the Biggest Short of All Times...Who Fookin knows...TBD!!! Wouldn't it be funny if AMZN becomes the biggest Short Opportunity out there or is it just a blip...Let's see what happens...
BLUF : Commodities Long...Play it anyway you want but I like the upside potential and Risk Range(s) of this play, easy to leverage gains/losses....great structure...Let's See What Happens? TW DEAL 15th, JAN Option Friday...get the pullback once your triggers are pulled w/in your range, leverage your risk then sit back and watch!
BLUF : Looks like the USD Short continues...Let's see what happens w/FookinFedRepoRate(s)Man!!! Note: In the Context of an overall UP Channel as it slides to the bottom of that range...TBD LongTerm?
R azor-Focus-Situational-Awareness E xtrapolate Out the BullShit A ssess the Environment We are In D igress for a Most/Better Strategy
Let's See What Happen s... Market Front Running Da FED / FookinRepoFEDLiQuidity...What could possibly go wrong...Let's Wager...TBD! AyatollahFookinFuzzNuts...Find-Fix-Finish...HEAD SHOTs ONLY!!!
Let's See Who/What resumes the Race or Higher Risk Premium(s)/Consolidation? Let's watch...
BLUF : 10 YR Yields trending LO'r, Let's see How-Low before it thrust for the next leg?
BLUF : Let's See What happens...House of Saud? Risk Premiums? What's your Engagement Triggers? Now that "Twitter" has become our New Primary GeoPolitical Communication Line...What could possibly go wrong? LMFAO...Let's watch the ShitShow! Let's Hope It does NOT require more than 140 characters...Shoot-Move-Communicate...HEAD SHOTs ONLY
BLUF : Extended...OverExtended, Who Fookin Knows? Get some insurance/leverage! We ALL Know Pigs Fly, but at some point they Fall out of the Fookin Sky! Pull up a chair and grab a cold beer, Let's watch the ShitShow! "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda
BLUF : Jan2020...Let's See What Happens? Election Year-Record Breaking Deficit Spending-Central Banks-Repo's...Liquidity-Bonds-Yields??? Where it reads "Correction" = 1st QTR 2020 then Higher HI's EOY What's in front of us? Simpleton-Leadership : “Ever tried; Ever failed, No matter; Try again; Fail again; Fail better” R azor-Focus-Situational-Awareness ...
BLUF : OCY got Hammered 2018...WTI Crude...Dividends...Long Bets here, Let's See What Plays Out!!!
BLUF : Happy New Year...Almost! Questions : Will the 50 cross the 200 MA again? Will yields drive the market to New Highs? When will the FED Repo Liquidity stop? What will the effects be? Is a "Melt-UP" in the cards or WTF? Who FOOKIN Knows ...J AN will set the tone for the rest of 2020 ...Looking for new HI's in JAN? IF NOT? Then odds are High for a...
BLUF : When you least expect something...Let's see what happens? Who Fookin Knows...TBD! R azor-Focus-Situational-Awareness E xtrapolate Out the BullShit A ssess the Environment We are In D igress for a Most/Better Strategy Question: Center of Gravity (CoG)...Do we really care about the difference between “Malice” or “Carelessness”….If we are careless...