Conservative Trend Trade 5F + long impulse + SOS bar Calculated affordable stop loss 1 to 2 R/R below 1/2 monthly zone Monthly chart context + long impulse + biggest volume T2 level + biggest volume manipulation Start building position, will add more after there's a set up on inferior timeframe.
Aggressive CounterTrend Trade - short impulse + volumed T1 level + volumed Sp + weak test + first bullish bar closed entry Calculated affordable real stop loss 1 to 2 TP before volume zone Context on Daily: "- short impulse + monthly support level + 1/2 correction monthly + biggest volume T1 + biggest volume Sp" Context on Monthly "+ long impulse + SOS level +...
Conservative Trend Trade + long impulse + biggest volume T2 level + support level + biggest volume Sp Calculated affordable stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit Daily Context "+ long balance + ICE level + 1/2 correction - neutral zone" Monthly Context " - short impulse + biggest volume T1 + support level + 1/2 correction + biggest volume 2Sp+ + weak test to 1/2 correction"
Aggressive Counter Trend Trade 16 - short impulse + biggest untested volume T1 + support level + biggest volume 2Sp+ + test + below first bullish bar closed level entry Calculated affordable virtual stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit Hourly Context: "- short impulse + biggest volume T1 + biggest volume 2Sp-" Daily Context: "+ long impulse + T2 level + support...
Aggressive Trend Trade - short impulse - unvolumed T1 + biggest volume 2Sp- - skipping test expecting gap overnight Calculated affordable virtual stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit at 1/2 of Daily Daily context "+ long balance + ICE level + 1/2 correction + support level" Monthly Context "- short impulse + biggest volume T1 + support level + 1/2 correction +...
Conservative Trend Trade 7F + long impulse + 1/2 correction + T2 level + support level + biggest volume 2Sp+ Monthly Context: + long impulse + SOS level + 1/2 correction + support level + 2Sp- + test"
Conservative Trend Trade + long impulse + expanding T2 level + support level + unvolumed 2Sp + volumed test + below first bullish bar closed level entry Calculated affordable virtual stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit Daily Context "+ long impulse + SOS level + support level + unvolumed Sp" Monthly Context "+ long impulse + SOS level + support level + 1/2...
Aggressive Counter Trend Trade 12 - short impulse + volumed T1 + bigest volume Sp + weak test + first bullish bar closed level entry Calculated affordable virtual stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit Daily Chart Context - short impulse + biggest untested volume T1 + biggest volume Sp Hourly Chart Context - short impulse + volumed T1 + bigest volume Sp + weak test +...
Trend Trade 3R + long impulse + support level + volumed expanding T2 level + 1/2 correction?! + biggest volume Sp + weak test + below first bullish bar closed level entry Monthly Context + long impulse + JOC level + support level +/- 1/2 correction? Calculated affordable stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit
Conservative Counter Trend Trade 12.1 + long impulse - volumed expanding T2 - 1/2 correction + support level + biggest volume manipulation + closed above support level Calculated affordable virtual stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit Hourly Context: - short impulse + volumed T1 + bigest volume Sp + weak test + first bullish bar closed level entry Daily Context -...
Conservative Trend Trade 11 + long impulse + SOS level + 1/2 correction + biggest volume Sp Calculated affordable stop loss 1 to 2 R/R taket profit Monthly Context + long balance + biggest volume expanding ICE + 2Sp- (previous bar touched ICE) + test I'll see how market goes and can take potentially 1/3 at 1 to 2 R/R 1/3 at Daily resistance 1/3 at Monthly 1/2 of range
Conservative Trend Trade 8F + long impulse + support level + significant bar level - below 1/2 correction + volumed 2Sp+ + weak test + first bullish bar closing entry Calculated affordable virtual stop loss Take profit: 20% at 1 to 2 R/R on Daily 20% at Daily resistance level T1 20% at 1/2 of Monthly 20% at Monthly resistance level CREEK 20% at Monthly thick...
Aggressive Trend Trade 8F - short balance - unvolumed ICE + bigest volume Sp - weak volume test closed below ICE + first bullish bar close similar level entry Calculated affordable virtual stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit before volume resistance zone / before CREEK Daily Context - short impulse + biggest untested volume T1 + biggest untested volume...
Aggressive Trend Trade 4R - short impulse + volumed T1 level + support level + volumed Sp + weak test + first bullish bar closed entry Calculated affordable stop loss 1 to 2 R/R before 1/2 of daily short impulse take profit Daily Context + long impulse + support level + 1/2 correction + monthly support level + biggest volume T2 + manipulation of T2 Monthly...
Aggressive CounterTrend Trade 10F - short impulse + biggest volume T1 + support level + biggest volume 2Sp Calculated affordable stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit before 1/2 of daily range Monthly Context - short impulse + 1/2 correction of 15 years long trend + historical volume + biggest volume of short trend
Conservative Trend trade 7F + long balance + ICE level - support level + 1/2 correction + biggest volume 2Sp+ Calculated affordable virtual stop loss Take profit: + 25% 1/2 R/R + 75% T1 of Monthly Hourly Context + long impulse Daily Context: + long impulse + 1/2 correction + T2 level + support level + biggest volume 2Sp+ Monthly Context: + long impulse +...
Aggressive Trend Trade 1R - short impulse + volumed T1 + support level + volumed 2Sp- + weak test + first bullish bar closed similar level entry Calculated affordable stop loss Take profit under volumed level Daily context + long balance + 1/2 correction - expanding ICE + support level + volumed manipulation
Aggressive CounterTrade 3F - short impulse - unvolumed T1 + biggest untested volume 2Sp- + decreasing volume test + first bullish bar closed entry Calculated affordable stop loss 1 to 2 R/R take profit Daily chart context - short impulse - volumed T1 Monthly chart context + ICE level + biggest volume 2Sp+ + weak test