Like the title says. Here is the other piece of this puzzle; ... already well under way.
It's definitely a SHORT, for now. The Kansas-Chicago differential also indicates a Chicago short here, and then probably a recovery into the new crop.
... and sell it hard! Here is the 4 hr.
Self explanatory. .... and Yes, we did catch that initial bounce! ... in the old post
( This is a continuation SHORT - see previous post , attached. ) ... and here is the DXY, for good measure.
Currently the weakest of the "commodity currencies". It's a fair try to go SHORT here especially since the U$D has bottomed, for now.
This is the time and place to press this one! The Weekly
Dump it hard! Here is the Gold / Silver Weekly
.... Then we shall see...
What "global recovery"??... Are "they" serious? - Of course not. But it is entertaining, that much is true. Going long Game Stop makes a great deal more sense than owning US equities - or any other, for that matter. (At least a case can be made for he former .) ... and here is one (among many!), reasonably reliable Risk On(Off) FX pair ... ... which says that...
Like the title says. The Weekly
At first sight this may be is somewhat counter intuitive at first (amid the anticipated equities decline + the massive short on the Dow/Gold Ratio) but really it is not; 1) Charts (price action) don't lie; 2) The true (reliable) Safe Haven is still the Yen - JPY; (Likely more than before?) 3) Forced liquidation in the equities (and similar events) will put...
Much like the Nasdaq ... ... they're done for now.
Self explanatory. Here is the Daily