... not just, yet! Looking for a 100 pip Short here, first. Ultimately, after it's all said and doe, this is .... ... what we are looking for.
TVC:DXY This is a continuation LONG - from this post; To trade it, just follow the arrows! Here is the Long Entry;
Self explanatory. ... thus, one may need to resort to this ... ... soon! Corollary to the above (Safe Havens) Although this is a FLAT (minor Long) here, for now. - But only briefly! ... and since this is telling you that Gold is to continue significantly lower from here ...; ... it stands the reason that the Dow is about to go for an outright dive! - As the...
Here is a close up of the Long Entry ... and the Weekly;
This is definitely done here, for a while. Of course this is the better SHORT, also the best single trade of 2021!... ... Also, because of this; Ultimately, this pair will be still a Long until it's fully done. Potentially there will be a good Long Entry once this short meets it's target, first.
This is ready to roll here - at least temporarily. But first, they're going to Stop Hunt this, for sure, one more time ... ... for your Long Entry convenience :-)
Here is a close up for the Long Entry - if you aren't long, yet.
... about this much higher. Buy it up!!
It is definitely worth a try, here.
( Because it will be need!! ) ... and the hands-down, no-contest winner is: The Japanese Yen - and it's denominated securities. Ohh, just off of the top of one's head; ... and just how many more clues does one require??... For real.
This pair is about to take a multi-year dive (not, yet!) speaking volumes of a developing global crisis (risk-off). Here is the Daily for more precise timing.
... if you haven't done so already.
... and beyond. This trade naturally stands the reason. It is the worst G10 currency prospects versus what's still the most stable("best") G10 out there. While Japan continues to maintain a healthy Account Surplus (for several decades by now) the UK decided to inflate the BoE's balance sheet to the tune of 120% of GDP, in just a few short months. This fact alone...
Despite appearances US T-Notes & Bills will absolutely obliterate US equity returns in this investment cycle! - The math being inescapable, despite all the wishful thinking in the world. Let's put an exact number on it; How does >+4% annually over US Equities sound?! (Yes, do check the math - as I'm sure of it!) Incidentally the U$D is bottoming here and it is a...
Here is an other clue; ... and an other - clue;
Much like during WWI when Germany was "Shackled to a corpse" in the form of it's alliance with the Hapsburg Empire, so was Britain until recently, through it's union with the EU. Now, although Britain is finally free, chances are that this came a day late and a dollar short. Let's be real! - The European Union is nothing more than a rotting corps, not unlike every...
Massive SHORT! T-Bills alone *** will *** outperform the SP500 by an annual +4.5%, starting right around here. That's about the size of that much heralded "economic recovery".