Wait until breakout on suport, Stoploss after breaking suport line. goodluck
I thought btc would drop to the yellow strip and then there was a quick bounce. And it will happen no later than the beginning of October, keep your money management and psychological.
TRY HEDGE AND DIE, Allahumma baarik lanaa fiimaa rozaqtanaa wa qinaa 'adzaa bannaar.
Allahummahdini fî man hadait, wa ‘âfini fî man ‘âfait, wa tawallanî fî man tawallait, wa bâriklî fî mâ a‘thait, wa qinî syarra mâ qadhait, fa innaka taqdhî wa lâ yuqdhâ ‘alaik, wa innahû lâ yazillu man wâlait, wa lâ ya‘izzu man ‘âdait, tabârakta rabbanâ wa ta‘âlait, fa lakal hamdu a’lâ mâ qadhait, wa astagfiruka wa atûbu ilaik, wa shallallâhu ‘alâ sayyidinâ...
Rising wedge made BTC correction. use max leverage and all in your asset for this time, HIGH RISK HIGH RETURN #Scalp
eos forms a large flag pattern, wait until he breakout then a big pump will come soon
BCH forms Ihns pattern, wait for BreakOut for safe entry
StochRsi shows the conditions that have faced the golden cross, we wait to see if the RSI prediction I made is appropriate.
ALICE LOVERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,dont be liquid. wait until october
Btc made a parabolic chart, it can be pumped after 1 wave in 40k. get ready your limit entry to get dip in BTC. see you
Parabolic chart in XLM, i trust it will got pump if BTC can reach pulback