Buy when in Green Zone Red Zone : S.L - Below RED Target Green Zone 25% 25% 25% 25%
TARGET 800-900-64000-64300 STOP 63300
Buy at or above mentioned price Summer aproaching - hotels will Rise and Shine
Target 7000 S.L RED Bar Or buy 7000 CE at CMP 19798, s.l 145 Target 250-300
Buy when abv the REd as in the chart S.L Blow the Red Target Green R:R : on the chart Buy only above the level given
Buy Above or at the entry level given All levels on Chart
Stop Loss 47 Target 53 - 55 - 58 - 60-65-70 With Corona vaccination started and also summer comming, travel will be big. Poistional Trade
Buy at or above mentioned level only
Buy above the indicated price follow stop, manage target
Stoop 35045 Target 35245-345-500
34666 S.Loss 34566 Target 34777 -888 Or Buy 35500 Call at 180-90