More egregious pumping. The level of lunacy & greed is on this market is blatant. Who the f does coverage on this company? rental turds death traps on 4 wheels valued more now than pre-pandemic? Excuse me while I go puke in my mouth. Eyeing some weekly puts, please go up more so it looks like bitcoin on a 5 yr tards.
looking to make a quick buck off of institutional stupidity in the face of clean energy nat gas initiatives while boomers continue to shun nuke power plants. Hopefully another boat gets stuck in the Suez, and the entire complex gets a lift. Owning a few hundred shares and qty 3 May 7 $11 calls. tempted to sit in the shares and write some covered calls against...
sitting on my hands to buy this dip. energy will likely be the first to recover after leading the S&P into a hole next week.