Some wave counts for fun. These are "Newsome Theory" waves. But I SEE THEM. And this chart is really nice. My target is $88,888.88 which is where I sell most of my BTC again. Locking in NICE gains
OXY is at the 100 sma on M if you turn on the dividends. IT is RIGHT on top of the 200 sma on the weekly non adjusted dividends. $48 is a NEW low and getting 12% return on risk on a down day is nice... I will allow this stock to go below $47 before I panic. I would expect a retest anyway, so I'll hold this spread until expiration or until I can close it for .03+...
I've sold $250 and $255 covered calls recently. Obviously huge gap down because of SELL THE NEWS style event... ;-) I really am not concerned. This is a buy the dip opportunity. I am happy to capture the premium from the call sale which is 1% and IF I sell at $255 in two weeks... amazing... :-)
I am expecting robo taxi to be a "sell the news" event. We had a "buy the rumor move" on TSLA from $200 to $260 I had a $250 covered call expiring LAST Friday. I sold that for $5 and bought it back for $1. NICE WIN. Still have the shares. So, figured If I was OK selling at $250 2 trading days ago, I should be fine selling at $255+4 = $259 effective THIS FRIDAY
I bought more shares here! :-) Selling the $132 for 1% for 10/25 expiration! =-) I WOULD LOVE to sell at $132 and pay taxes on more money.
I think OIL can press higher with the 'port strike'. I also think OVERALL markets need a small pull back and that should press oil higher. AND, this stock has TONS of really nice support here....
I could / probably should just sell shares here and not worry about the $5 gain (since I am profitable) But these are in my son's account. I now have 200. So, I brought in $2.22 which is $400+ of cash. And I'll use those to buy more shares. I'll leave the shares alone and if they get called away effective $52.22 = I'll be pleased
Love this area. IF NVDA DROPS, I'll buy more shares! But, I wanted to take advantage of the volatility of FED coming up. GETTING $2.00 is amazing. I'll set a limit buy to purchase this back for $.78
I bought shares low. Now, I'll be happy to sell them high. 1%+ on covered call prem at/near resistance. :-)
I bought shares off of the 200 sma on the daily and the 100 sma on the weekly. I really wouldn't be mad / sad or upset if I sold those shares at $242.40 :-)
STOCK HAS BEEN HAMMERED. It's at the 200 sma on the MONTHLY chart. I feel like this company and it's products will be around for a while, but I've been holding onto this dog for TOO long and If I exit at $110, I won't be upset.
I did a $150 put sale and got put shares. I rcvd $1.50 credit when I did it. I REALLY would love to sell AMD at $175 But I'll be okay owning the shares for a while. I will sell my puts for a profit if AMD sells off and buy more shares. I'll be fine sitting in AMD for a 6+ months to be profitable, although I don't believe I'll have to.. .
I LOVE The selling. AND THIS IDEA is over earnings. I DO PLAN on it being a slightly volatile spread, but with any buying or resting, theta should take over and the 200 SMA will slowly creep up. This has MANY check marks and should work nicely
Buy low, sell high. Love the monthly gap. Love the support. LOVE the company. I really enjoy the volatility. There are a LOT of awful looking charts out there, but for now, expecting some solid moves lower (but I will buy those lower moves with shares)
Love this chart. This gap down is SEMI bullish, but we have some time to wait on this and I'm excited to see TSLA grow higher into $300 towards end of year.
A position I am in for a WHILE. But this is purely and simply and BUY LOW, sell high, be 'paytient' type of investment. AND I AM IN. :-)
For anyone who doesn't want to own a crap ton of TSLA stock, it is very easy to have a nice portfolio of TSLL!! :-) This pays a nice premium for only 1 week of expiration!
I mean... THAT is an indecision candle. How cool would it be if we got another candle, maybe an inside candle on Monday or Tuesday and then we pop strongly next week for a few days? Nice breakout potential?! I'll find out!